Helpful or Heresy: New ‘AI Jesus’ Answers Life’s Great Problems

The spiritual drought affecting people’s lives has them looking for answers in all areas of life.

Now, an AI chatbot has been designed to study the teachings of Jesus and give advice to those who seek answers on the popular streaming platform Twitch.

The channel ask_jesus, is part of a group of AI streams put together by popular Belgian streamer Bachir “Athene” Boumaaza.

According to the description on the streams Twitch page, “The ask Jesus livestream is an experimental channel allowing viewers to ask questions to an AI trained after Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, looking for a friend or simply want someone to talk to, you can join on the journey through life and discover the power of faith, hope and love.”

It specifically states that The Singularity Group, the organization responsible for the content based in Germany, is “not a Christian organization.”

“For a lot of people, the appeal of the Ask_Jesus stream is simply to see how far it can be pushed in terms of getting Jesus to answer the weirdest and silliest questions, because of course this can be hilarious,” The Singularity Group co-founder Reese Laysen told Fox News Digital via email.

So, this new tool now begs the question: Is this a legitimate tool of spreading the gospel using AI, or simply a farce that makes fun of the Christian religion under the guise of trying to help people?

“But we’ve also seen overwhelming response from people, Christian as well as non-Christian or non-religious, who genuinely find it inspiring and comforting,” Laysen continues. “It’s a very modern interpretation of Jesus that always provides wholesome and uplifting feedback, no matter the question.”

The new technology also highlights the absolute necessity for Christians to be firmly grounded and literate in the Bible.

In the case that the Singularity Group holds no ill intent on using a “Christ-like” AI chatbot to help people with questions in life, Satan will try and use this technology to deceive and lead people astray from the true Word of God.

Many faith leaders are weary of using AI due to the fact that man created it and it cannot replace a true, heartfelt relationship with Jesus, even if it is capable of teaching about Him.

Dr. James Spencer, president of D.L. Moody Center in Northfield, Massachusetts, said to Fox News Digital that “I have no doubt that artificial intelligence is (or will soon become) capable of conveying information about Jesus. Yet knowing Jesus isn’t simply a matter of knowing about Him—but of understanding how to relate to Him, privileging Him as the most prominent actor and factor in the situations we face, and possessing an experiential knowledge of Him cultivated through obedience.

“Jesus is alive. He doesn’t need AI to speak for Him,” Spencer adds.

“Christians are to demonstrate what it means to follow Jesus. We are His body in the world today. It is through the church—not some technology—that God’s manifold wisdom is demonstrated,” says Spencer. “There is no device that will make knowing Jesus simpler. We know Him as we walk with Him through the joys and challenges of life alongside others who have committed to follow Christ.”

There is no closing the box on AI in the world. It is still in the early stages, and its capabilities are being experimented with in every facet of technology and society.

Christians must remain ahead of the progressing technology and how it is being utilized for both good and bad, not playing catchup as Christianity has been doing in the culture wars for decades now.

Knowing the Word of God and the teachings held within the pages of the Bible will help ensure any deception put forth by rising technologies is identified early. False teachings must be recognized and called out, preventing deceptions and the falling away of those who seek the answers which God provides in the Bible.

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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