May-June 2022

God Wants You to Multiply

My wife and I have four grown daughters. The youngest of them is 29. At our age, we aren’t planning to have any more babies. But even though we’re finished with the task of bringing Grady children into the world, I’m not finished reproducing. I believe every Christian is called to bear spiritual children. Jesus …

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Did Jesus Feel Shame, Too?

Jesus was tempted and tested in all points, just as we are. Hebrews 4:15 (NKJV) tells us “we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.” Jesus suffered what we suffer and showed us how to overcome. The enemy …

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Bringing the Light of Hope Against Spreading Darkness

For nearly 28 years, the Los Angeles Dream Center has helped transform ministry around the world through its example of 24/7 compassion ministry in one of America’s worst areas. Hundreds of thousands—more likely, millions—of people have been profoundly affected by receiving assistance at its iconic hospital-by-the-highway campus or by serving there on a visiting church …

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Putin’s War Against Pentecostals

For two years the world was focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. The advocates for one-world government used it as an opportunity to call for a “great reset.” Then on Feb. 24, Vladimir Putin invaded the neighboring country of Ukraine, and suddenly war was all the media covered. The situation in Ukraine changes almost daily, but …

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God Still Speaks

In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus spoke of various grounds into which the seed of the gospel fell. In one the plant came up luxuriantly, but was choked out by weeds and died. Jesus was warning us about being encumbered with the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches and other things entering …

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In Painful Season of Delay, Hold On!

I’ve tried my best to keep a good attitude during this pandemic season, but God knows I’ve complained too much—about masks, vaccine mandates, changing health policies, closed schools, online church services and travel restrictions. But what I’ve hated most are the delays. Everything is moving slower these days. It’s almost as if God pushed a …

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