Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our group enjoyed another jam-packed day in Israel as we visited Bet Yigal Alon Museum, Tel Dan, Hazor, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Peter’s Primacy and the Ein Ayub, the spring of Job.

And today I learned dreams really do come true. When I heard earlier this year that my name had been submitted for consideration, I struggled whether or not I should accept the invitation. The thought of making this trip without my wife Wendy really bothered me—until I had a dream one night in May.

In this dream I stood on a bridge in Central Park in New York. I remembered the bridge from pictures in magazines that featured my favorite boyhood band. I started to mill around the bridge, soaking in the moment and remembering where group and individual photos were taken. I wanted to rock ‘n roll all night and party every day. After a few moments the Holy Spirit said to me, “Imagine what it would be like to walk where Jesus walked.”

I woke up crying and knew if I was selected I was to come. Sure enough, the organizer texted me “you made the final cut for israel!!” Of course, I still have the text saved on my phone.

Early in today’s visit to the Mount of Beatitudes, I walked around the back corner of the church to hear our group leader explaining how Jesus’ voice carried through the valley nearby because the shape of the land created wonderful natural acoustics. Although I’d told the story of the dream a few times during the last six months, never did it have the impact as today when the Holy Spirit whispered again, “Imagine what it would be like to walk where Jesus walked.”

Dreams really do come true.


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