Fri. Oct 11th, 2024
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 A Shared Mission Destiny

The church shares the mission of Israel to be a light to the nations under the leadership of Yeshua who is the light of the nations. By preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, the hurch moves history to a point that is called the “fullness of the Gentiles.” I understand this to be a sufficient saved remnant from every nation that can call upon Yeshua to return and to rule the nations. However, God’s witness to the nations is also through Israel. Her preservation and return to her ancient Land is a sign to the nations. Nothing comparable to this has ever happened before. It is a fulfillment of Scripture and prepares the way for Israel to be transformed, we believe through Yeshua (Ezekiel 36:24ff.). Those things that will occur in Israel, on the world stage, will be part of the complex of last days events, that with the witness of the church, will effect the salvation of the nations, which salvation is the other side of the last days judgments.

However, the church, both Jew and Gentile, is given the very special role of making Israel jealous, that is desirous of entering into the reality of the life they see in those Gentiles who love them and show them mercy. Grant Berry always emphasizes in his articles on the reconnection how significant it is for us in the church to present the gospel back to our Jewish brothers from a reconnected perspective to our Jewish roots. That they may understand we are operating out of the covenant that was given to them through Yeshua, which is the gospel (Jer. 31:31-34); to show gratitude for it, which helps immensely for them to make the connection and to see that Christianity is Jewish.

Paul magnifies his ministry—that is the ministry of the Holy Spirit—to provoke them to jealousy and to save some. This is his example to be followed by the Gentile Yeshua/believers. Why? Because the full acceptance of the Jewish people will lead to life from the dead (Rom. 11:15), which is variously interpreted as world revival and/or the second coming of Yeshua. Thus we see that the destiny of the church is tied to Israel. It is coming into the full reward of the Age to Come is contingent on fulfilling its role with Israel and fostering the fulfillment of Israel’s calling and destiny. They have a shared destiny, which is why it is so important for us in the church to grasp this mystery at this time.

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