Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Terrorist-Led Nation Continues Israeli Assault

Defending Israel

Defending Israel
All eyes are on the Middle East—and the United Nations.

Israel is under attack. In recent days, Syria launched mortar attacks into Israel’s Golan Heights. Israel was forced to respond, scoring direct hits on the Syrian artillery positions.

And in the south, Israel continues to be the target of violence from Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip—rocket fire that’s been underway for days. In fact, more than 124 rockets have struck Israel in the past three days. Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak made it clear: “Hamas is responsible for the rocket fire and all other attempts to harm our soldiers and civilians, even when other groups participate. And it is Hamas that will pay the heavy price.”

Of course, all of this is unfolding as the Palestinians are seeking special recognition at the United Nations. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian Authority is going forward with its bid for observer status at the U.N. on November 29. And, a spokesman for the European Union said Palestine likely can count on 11 EU foreign ministers to vote favorably when it tries to enhance its status at the U.N.

Here’s the problem: Two terrorist groups—Hamas and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (P.L.O.) —lead the Palestinian government. They have the stated goal of destroying the Israeli people. Now they are pressing the United Nations for special status.

I want you to know that we have mobilized our operations in Jerusalem, New York, and Washington, D.C. to oppose this move by the Palestinian government. As Israel currently defends itself from deadly rocket-fire from Hamas, it’s more important than ever to stand with Israel now.

More than 30,000 Americans already have signed on to our Petition to Defend Israel and Stop a Terrorist Threat. It’s time to take action. Add your name today.

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