Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Lion of Judah

“Behold, He who keeps (watches over) Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121:4)

On Jerusalem’s King David Street, immediately next to the YMCA (where for years we held services) there is something VERY interesting to see. It seems like a prophetic picture, and I can’t help pointing it out to people when we pass by.

In 2002, many artists (more than 60, I believe) contributed their version of a lion statue, to be displayed throughout Jerusalem. Everywhere you went, you saw a lion around Jerusalem. 

The two lions in the location I just mentioned are significant. Out in front, facing the street, and indeed facing the Old City of Jerusalem, is a large, ostentatious “would-be” lion. It is larger than all the others, colorful—actually quite dazzling.

But it isn’t really a lion; it’s a demon with large protruded eyes and diabolical features. It sits as though ready to pounce, like a cat watching its prey.

Just a few meters behind this “demon lion” is a much smaller statue of a plain white lion.  It was created with a dove on its head, and a crown made of barbed wire. Smiling, he is watching over both the city and the enemy disguised as a lion.

I have heard that the artist was approached and asked why she made a lion with “those symbols of Jesus”. She responded that she had no intention to make that connection! She had in mind the theme of peace (the dove) trumping conflict (the barbed-wire). Whether this is truth or hearsay, the outcome is true: the crown was removed from the statue, though the dove remains.

However, stripping the symbol does not alter the identity of the “Shomer Yisrael” (He who watches over Israel). He has nothing to prove about who He is, or what He is doing. He just sits and watches, knowing He is the all-powerful one. 

My heart is warmed by the truth that these lions represent. It is not only Jerusalem, and Israel that are being watched over. It is you and it is me. Read on, in Psalm 121:

“The LORD is your keeper, the LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”

Father, like a child in its father’s arms is how I feel with You. Safe, protected, and in the hands of the strongest one. Keep me from being fooled and intimidated by the deceiver. Whatever the enemy has up his sleeve, You are more than ready for it! You are smiling and confident and Your love is triumphant.

Click here for the original article at King of Kings Community Jerusalem.

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