Morning Rundown: Jack Hibbs: Why the Jews Must Turn to Jesus Now

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Jack Hibbs: Why the Jews Must Turn to Jesus Now

Pastor Jack Hibbs likens the nation of Israel to a mother hen, as Jesus referred to in Luke 13:34-35 (MEV):

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing! … Truly I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”

When He first came to earth, the majority of the Jewish people rejected Jesus as their Messiah. But Hibbs, the founder and pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, California, says as a brutal and costly war that began with the terrorist group Hamas on Oct. 7 and continues to rage in the Holy Land, they have but one choice for their survival: to turn to Christ.

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Tom Horn, Christian Media Giant and CEO of SkyWatch TV, Dies After Health Struggle

Christian media giant Thomas R. Horn died today after battling severe cardiovascular issues. The founder, host and CEO of SkyWatch TV and founder of Whispering Ponies Ranch and Defender Publishing, Horn was a longtime television and radio personality, bestselling author of dozens of books and publisher of many others.

SkyWatch TV posted the following statement on X:

Per a statement from SkyWatch, Horn “launched two news services where coverage of latest-breaking news and information on cutting-edge stories covering religion, prophecy, discovery, and the supernatural through in-depth investigative reports led to his network of writers being referenced and interviewed by the biggest names in broadcasting.” He appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show,” “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!”, Daystar TV’s “Celebration,” “The 700 Club” and many more.

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Chuck Pierce Asks: Have We Inched Closer to the Day of Jesus’ Return?

Chuck Pierce, whose prophetic insight I respect, has an interesting take on what’s happening in Israel.

He says God is separating the “chaff from the wheat” and identifying Israel’s enemies so He can deal with them.  It’s all a part of God’s plan for the end of time.

If you follow Pierce’s ministry you know the accuracy of the words he gets. In a recent podcast I reminded him that he was the first person I remember saying in the 1990s that China would be a real threat to America—and that’s when China was considered a third-world economy. So when Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, I contacted him to see if he would share what he believes is happening.  

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