Love and Unity: Reflections on Obedience and Agreement With John 17

Grant Berry shared on this month’s call that Passover and the gospel are actually biblical themes throughout Scripture. God established this prophetic picture of the gospel of love and sacrifice through Abraham’s offering of Isaac, found at the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 22.

He reflected on the similarities between Isaac’s experience on the altar and Yeshua/Jesus’ on the cross in how they both carried the sacrificial wood and were willingly bound to it out of love and obedience. Grant pointed out that these demonstrations signify that our agreement with God’s plans makes a consequential difference for His purposes to be accomplished.

God asked Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice on an altar of the Lord. Abraham submitted in complete surrender to God’s request, willing to obey even unto the death of his son. We read in the account that when Abraham raised the knife, God intervened and provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac.

This exchange was a foreshadowing of Yeshua/Jesus as the substitutional sacrifice for the sin of humankind. But it is only then, and after this experience God makes the vow to Abraham because he came into agreement with God’s plan for humanity, which ultimately was to send His own Son. God made an oath to Abraham in verses 17-18 (ESV): “I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. …and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” God needed agreement from Abraham before He made the oath to bless his faithfulness.

Because of Abraham’s obedience and cooperation, God blessed his lineage (Israel) and declared that Gentiles (the nations) would also be blessed through his descendants. This promise was not just to Israel but to all humankind, finding its fulfillment in Yeshua/Jesus. In the Gospels we read that Yeshua/Jesus was the ultimate Passover Lamb who came to redeem us.

In obedience to God’s plan, Yeshua/Jesus willingly gave Himself as a sacrifice on the cross. Yeshua/Jesus loved us even unto death, blessing humanity with salvation, ultimately creating One New Man between God’s firstborn children and His children from the nations who would now be grafted into the same faith. (See Ephesians 2:11-22.)

But then look at Exodus 12:48-49 in the Passover account. Here we see the same theme of God’s heart between Jew and Gentile when the Lord instructs that the law concerning participation in the Passover celebration applies to both groups—to Jews and also to Gentiles who identify as part of the Lord’s people.

This spiritual unification is significant, especially now that Israel is awakening, and restoration must take place in God’s family between Jewish and Gentile believers. Our agreement to reunite with one another is vital. Just as Abraham’s agreement to align with God’s plans was also necessary to the process, the same is true today as God looks to restore love and unity in His family.

Reconciliation among members of God’s family becomes a catalyst and will help spark and fan the flame to awaken the world to salvation. Grant made the point that the fullness of fire and glory in the end-time awakening cannot occur until we agree with our Father’s plans.

We must not only proclaim the gospel but also live and operate out of its love. Only then will the doors and the gates fully open, loosed from the favored position of love for God and one another that will change the world.

For more in-depth discussion, you can listen to the recording here. {eoa}

Each month, Grant Berry and Bob Wolff join Dai Sup Han on Prayer Surge Now, a national prayer conference call for the Watchmen of the Lord. Their focus in this prayer hour is on unifying the ekklesia/church in The One New Man (TONM) between Jews and Gentiles to help fulfill Yeshua/Jesus’ prayer of John 17, understanding the greater depths of prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of Israel and the nations. Click here for call-in information:

Author and speaker Grant Berry is the founder of Reconnecting Ministries and producer of The Romans 911 Project. Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a message into the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days, known as The Reconnection. “The Reconnection” is a term used to describe the reuniting and reconciliation of Jewish and Gentile believers and all races and tongues into John 17 love and unity in The One New Man now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. The Romans 911 Project has been created to bring The Reconnection message to light, which has primarily been hidden in the mystery of Israel’s restoration according to Romans 11:25-27. For more information and a special offer on The Romans 911 Project, please visit

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