Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Liberty Counsel Founder Urges Christians to Stand With Israel

Mat Staver

On Friday, Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, spoke at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., for the 12th annual Israel Solidarity Event. Dr. Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, and Rev. Malcom Hedding also delivered addresses.

The Israel Solidarity Event celebrates Israel’s independence, when it became a sovereign nation in 1948, and encourages people to stand in solidarity with Israel to support its right to exist. This is the 65th year of Israel’s independence.

Staver urged Christians and Jews to stand in solidarity to one another and for the nation of Israel.

“Israel and America share a common bond through our history, heritage and faith,” he said. “Christians and Jews must stand in solidarity to one another and together must stand in solidarity with Israel and its right to exist as a sovereign nation. Along with our shared common values, Israel and America also share common threats. We are comforted and assured by the Scriptures that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not intimidated by adversity.”

In 2011, Liberty Counsel launched the Liberty Ambassador Counsel (LAC) program, designed to strengthen ties between Israel and the United States. Among other things, the LAC provides tours to Israel with twin goals: to strengthen the Christian faith of attendees and to equip them to become goodwill ambassadors for Israel.

The LAC tours visit biblical and historical sites, but unlike other tours provides attendees the opportunity to visit and hear from leaders in government, the military, business, academia and the religious community.

“A trip to Israel is a life-changing experience. You will never be the same. Your faith will be strengthened, and you cannot help but be a lifelong goodwill ambassador for Israel,” Staver said.

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