Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Israel Defense Forces

Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz participated in a ceremony honoring outstanding IDF units Monday at Camp Rabin, where he expressed his appreciation for the soldiers’ service.

“I saw some of you in action during Operation Pillar of Defense,” the Chief of Staff said. “Thanks to you—the reservists who responded to the draft call—and thanks to the units who took part in the operation, we achieved our goals, significantly improving the routine way of life for the residents of southern Israel.”

Lt. Gen. Gantz also discussed the IDF’s accomplishments during Operation Pillar of Defense. “Our enemy was subjected to a forcible blow,” Gantz said. “The IDF’s capabilities and strengths are now blatantly obvious to those who oppose our existence.”

The Chief of Staff went on to praise the continuing service of soldiers and officers in defense of Israel.

“As we recently saw in the Central Command, IDF soldiers and officers continue to skillfully fulfill their mission in a balanced and educated fashion, protecting the residents of the State of Israel,” he said.

“Careful and calculated actions taken by IDF commanders and forces in the field, optimal security coordination, determination and awareness of the complexity of the task at hand must accompany our actions in Judea and Samaria.”

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