Sat. Sep 21st, 2024
Praying man

There is a kibbutz (well, sort of) in the Rehovot area of Israel that is a very interesting place to visit if you are fascinated with the history of modern Israel.

In the 1940s, the main “industries” of Kibbutz Ayalon were a laundry facility, where the “kibbutzniks” worked, cleaning clothes for British soldiers and the like; and a bakery, where workers kept busy day and (curiously) night. It was a very noisy laundromat, and the machines in the bakery seemed to be unusually squeaky and clattery as well. And anyone closely watching either facility at certain times would have noticed a rather disproportionate number of people coming and going from these two places of employment.

What only a few knew was that below these two facilities was a large, interconnected munitions factory. Israel hadn’t even been “born” yet as a state and, therefore, couldn’t technically be making weapons. Its infant survival depended on weapons, though, so a clever system was created for entering, leaving and signaling at these two facilities.

Right under the noses of the British army, an elaborate weapons cache was building up, and much of Israel’s defense as a young nation was due to this secret place. 

One day, the British soldiers who dropped by were offered warm beer while their laundry was being processed.  Their “kibbutznik” host kindly said, “Next week, if you’d like cold beer, let us know ahead of time you are coming and we’ll refrigerate it for you.” That was a clever way to get a heads up.

Today the British soldiers are no longer feared and all of the secrets of Kibbutz Ayalon are revealed. One can go in and out of the passageways and see all of the working stations and hear all about the codes and secret signals.

You and I have a secret place and a secret weapon as well. It’s right where you are sitting right now. You have a private line to heaven that can’t be intercepted. You can set battalions of angels into action, stop disease, free prisoners, release God’s power, pray Scriptures back to God and intercede on behalf of hurting, broken people. It sounds fanciful, but it is true! God has given us an enormous arsenal of weapons as well as defensive shields.

Charles Spurgeon cried out one day, “Look upward, and let us weep! You have given us a mighty weapon, and we have permitted it to rust.”

Let’s pick up this weapon, shine it and sharpen it, and join a global army of prayer warriors who will usher in God’s purposes—His heart and His mind—with power and force. For this we were chosen and appointed.

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance” (Eph. 6:18).

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

For the original article, visit

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