Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Several years ago the Lord told Oral Roberts, “This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God.”

Proverbs 11:30 says, “He who wins souls is wise” (NKJV). Why? Because souls are the only thing we take to heaven. Earth is a war zone and the battle is for the souls of men. God’s order has always been to evangelize the Jew first. God started with Abraham, the father of the Jewish people.

Jesus followed this pattern as well. He said, “‘I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel'” (Matt. 15:24). The apostle Paul also spoke of the gospel’s being for the Jew first (see Rom. 1:16).

Why go to the Jew first? When you do, you activate Genesis 12:3, in which God promises to bless those who bless Abraham—and his descendants, the Jewish people.

Whatever you sow into the Jewish people you will reap. If you plant in evangelism, you will reap a multitude of Gentile souls (see Zech. 8:23).

I have demonstrated this “law of evangelism” for more than 30 years throughout the world. Going to the Jew first is the catalyst to reaching large numbers of Gentiles.

In 2005,I held a Jewish evangelistic meeting in Siberia. As a result, every secular newscast was flooded with reports of our event. The entire city of Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, heard about Jesus!

Now you can understand why Paul says the call of the Gentile Christian is to evangelize the Jew. “Salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke [the Jews] to jealousy” (Rom. 11:11, KJV).

I believe the greatest revival in history will be triggered by going to the Jew first. The Bible confirms my belief in Amos 9:11-13, which declares that when the Tabernacle or family of David (i.e., the Jewish people) is restored to God, the greatest Gentile harvest ever will take place!

But Paul indicates that the Jews, in a sense, are waiting on the Gentiles. He writes, “Blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Rom. 11:25, NKJV). The Greek word for “fullness” could be translated “maturity.” Thus, Paul is saying that the maturity of the Gentile Christians will cause the blindness to come off the eyes of Jewish people.

Here’s how it works. God is removing the spiritual scales from the eyes of Gentile Christians (see Rom. 11:25). Their spiritual maturity (fullness) will result in a great Jewish harvest. The salvation of the Jews will be the catalyst for the greatest Gentile revival in history.

This is God’s time for the maturity of the Gentile church. It is also His time for the great Jewish harvest. Oral Roberts recently had a visitation from the Lord, who told him: “This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God.”

How should the Gentile church fulfill its destiny of provoking the Jew to jealousy? I suggest the Gentile church keep its present culture, including Christian holidays, but add all the biblical Jewish festivals—and celebrate them with the freedom and leadership of the Holy Spirit rather than in Orthodox Jewish fashion.

I believe as the church moves closer to its Hebraic roots and exhibits a passion for intimacy with God, heaven will invade all of its services. Many will be healed, delivered and saved. And as unsaved Jewish people hear or witness the miracles on Jewish biblical festivals, they will be provoked to jealousy. In other words, they will want what we have!

As God’s Spirit invades our services, we will all change. The walls of separation will come down—between Jews and Gentiles, between black Christians and white Christians, between charismatics and evangelicals.

Then Yeshua’s prayer will be fulfilled. He prayed, “‘That they [Jew and Gentile] all may be one … that the world may believe'” (John 17:21).

God intended for His body, made up of both Jews and Gentiles, to form one new man (see Eph. 2:13-15). When these two anointings merge, the result will be “life from the dead” (Rom. 11:15). Watch the dry bones in the church explode with resurrection power!

This is God’s time to reach out to the Jew. Will you let Him use you?

Sid Roth ( is a pioneer in the Messianic Jewish movement who has been taking the gospel to the Jews for more than 30 years. He is the host of an internationally broadcast television show called It’s Supernatural and a daily radio program, Messianic Vision. He is also the author of several books, including The Race to Save the World (Charisma House).

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