Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for one hour on Monday to discuss mutual concerns for their respective nations.

Their private meeting went 30 minutes longer than planned. Then, top advisors joined both men for another hour of talks. Finally, reporters were invited in for a half hour question and answer session. Their time together ended with the prime minister, the president and their staffs having lunch in the “old family dining room.”

I know that both nations will do their best to put their best “spin” on this historic meeting calling it productive. However, the spokesman on ABC television made a stark and truthful comment when he said, “This is the parting of the ways of this administration and the Israeli government.”

It is disturbing that in recent week’s media reports in Israel, Europe and the United States say the Obama administration has repeatedly warned Israel not to take military action to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. It appears that America’s approach to dealing with Iran is “all carrot and no stick.”

I do not believe this administration understands the radical religious mindset of President Ahmadinejad. He believes to the core of his being that if he starts a global military conflict, the Islamic Messiah will suddenly and mysteriously appear leading the Islamic warriors to a global victory that will produce Global Sharia. That means the law of Islam will rule the world, including America.

Radical Islam sees every western concession as living proof that Allah is bringing them victory. It is justification for continued terrorism and other barbaric attacks. Israel understands this; sadly our national leadership does not.

Israel has no choice but to defend itself from a potential nuclear holocaust. I feel in the core of my being a major war will start in the Middle East before the end of this year. Once it starts, it will be the beginning of the end.

If there was ever a time to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, it’s now!

If there was ever a time for Christians to go to Washington, D.C. July 20-23 to stand with Israel at the Christians United For Israel National Summit, it’s now.

To register for the event, call (866) 683-6423 or go online at

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