Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Rebuilding the Walls

In the next century, while Judah was still a province of Persia, a Hebrew named Nehemiah, who was a cupbearer to the king, was given permission to journey to Jerusalem to fulfill his passion to rebuild the ruined walls. Even though there was fierce resistance from the non-Jewish inhabitants, the restoration was completed in a record-breaking 52 days. This feat so impressed the Persian king that he allowed Nehemiah to be governor of Judah for the next 13 years.

Never-ending Conflict

Century after century, the Jews repeatedly asked themselves, “Will this land that was promised ever again be ours?” From all directions, invading armies came to claim power and rule the territory. On the horizon were the Greeks. Alexander the Great, as part of his world conquest, seized Persia in 332 B.C., and with this victory came rule over Israel. He established the city of Alexandria in Egypt, and Judah was controlled from there for more than 150 years.

Next, it was the Romans’ turn. Under General Pompey, they captured Jerusalem in 63 B.C. Later, the Senate in Rome appointed Herod the Great to be king over Israel. During the reign of the Romans, many Jewish people were sold into slavery and scattered to the far corners of the known world.

Here is what’s astonishing. Since the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there has always been a continuous Jewish remnant in this landregardless of who occupied or governed. For thousands of years the Jewish people have spoken the same Hebrew language and worshiped the same Jehovah God. It is also significant that the restored nation is still called by its original nameIsrael.

Benny Hinn is an internationally recognized evangelist and the author of Blood in the Sand, from which this article is adapted. To purchase his newly-released book, click here.

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