Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Last weekend America celebrated Memorial Day as a time to honor all military personnel who have given the last full measure of devotion for the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, America is at war! We are at war with a radical religious element of Islam that feels they have a mandate from their god (Allah) to kill Christians and Jews.

I feel America is in the greatest danger as a nation that we have known since 1776. The elements that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor are all alive and well in Washington, D.C. and the nation.

There is a sincere feeling among the enemies of America that every effort of our president to placate Iran and bowing before a Saudi prince are signs that Allah is with them and victory over the West is at hand.

We live in a dangerous world! Last weekend North Korea launched two nuclear missiles. As I write this article, Iran is working feverishly to develop a nuclear bomb to attack Israel and eventually the United States of America.

In spite of this obvious danger … America slumbers in a deep deception created by political correctness that all is well and that our enemies are inferior to our military might.

There is a dramatic difference between America and our enemies. They have the absolute will to destroy us … they just lack the weapons. As soon as they have the weapons, you will see a nuclear war breakout in the Middle East and then be transported to America.

If Iran is not stopped from developing nuclear weapons, America will see a terrorist attack that makes 9/11 a walk in the park.

One of the foremost objectives of our television ministry is to shout into the ear of a slumbering America: Wake Up!

This is a fight for the soul and future of America. It is a fight for the future of your children and grandchildren. Whoever wins this war, will have total control of your children’s future.

When you pray—pray for America!

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