Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Christians, Jews Gather in Estonia to Pray Urgently as Threat of Russian Invasion of Ukraine Grows

With 130,000 Russian troops massing on the borders of Ukraine, threatening the biggest land war in Europe since World War II, Christians and Jews are gathering this week in the Estonian capital of Tallinn to pray urgently for Ukraine, for Israel and for the Lord to thwart Moscow’s threats and grant peace and security to all of Eastern Europe.

And I’m deeply honored to stand with these courageous men and women of faith in such a dark hour.

This is my first time to visit this tiny NATO country of only 1.3 million people, and it’s remarkable to think that Tallinn is only a 2 1/2 hour drive from the Russian border.

In 2018, I actually wrote a political thriller—The Kremlin Conspiracy—about a Putinesque dictator in Russia preparing to launch a massive attack on Ukraine, as well as the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, while American and other NATO leaders hesitate to stand up to Moscow and pursue the Ronald Reagan doctrine of “peace through strength.”

Four years later, it’s surreal to find myself here, talking to Estonians who fear that such a scenario may not be fiction after all.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast will be held for the first time in Estonia.

On Tuesday night, Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a former member of the Israeli Knesset, and I will be the keynote speakers at the “Celebrate Jerusalem Concert” held in the main church in Tallinn. It will be broadcast to the entire nation.

The breakfast itself will be held on Wednesday morning in the Estonian Parliament building.

Attending will be current and former government ministers, members of the Parliament and Christian leaders from around the country and several neighboring countries.

Speakers will include:

— Ambassador of Israel to Estonia Hagit Ben Yaakov.

— Speaker of the Estonian Parliament Jüri Ratas.

— Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (via video).

— The Knesset Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Chair Member of Knesset Tatiana Mazarsky will send greetings from the Chagall Hall.

— Former Israeli Member of Knesset Glick and I will be the two keynote speakers.

You can register to watch the events for free by clicking here.

What Is the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast?

The main Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast is held annually in the Israeli capital. It attracts evangelicals from all over the world who want to better understand what’s happening in the epicenter and how to pray knowledgeably and effectively for Israel and the Jewish people, and “pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” according to Psalm 122:6.

Over the years, however, Christian leaders in other countries have requested the JPB organizers hold the two-day set of events in their countries to educate and inspire Christians who cannot get to Israel.

The goal is to help these believers learn more about God’s plan and purpose for the chosen people and the promised land, and how to bless Israel and the Jewish people according to Genesis 12:1-3 and the rest of the Scriptures.

The most recent JPB outside of Israel was held in Rome, Italy, last October.

Divine Timing

Albert Veksler, the leader of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast movement, began planning the event here in Estonia last year.

But he tells All Israel News that he sees the hand of God in the timing, given the escalating tensions in Ukraine, Israelis being evacuated from Kiev and other cities, and rising Estonian fears that they could be next.

He and his wife, Heli, were born and raised in Estonia before making aliyah after the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving to Israel and becoming Israeli citizens.

They remember the nightmare of Soviet occupation. They remember, too, the persecution that Jews and Christians faced under the aggressively atheist and anti-Zionist regime in Moscow. And they never want to see Estonia or its neighbors—including Ukraine—ever go back. What’s more, they want the former Soviet republics to stand with Israel.

“Estonia was the first country to give the Jewish community cultural autonomy in 1926 before the State of Israel was reborn,” said Veksler.

“The state of Estonia provided financial support for that,” he added. “A page was dedicated to the Republic of Estonia in the Golden Book of Jerusalem in 1927. Israel, in turn, was the first country to sell weapons to Estonia in 1993, after the rebirth of Estonia in 1991. All the other countries were hesitant to do so for fear of damaging relations with Russia.

Prayer Requests

Please join us in praying for the Lord to:

— Strengthen the unity between Jews and Christians at this dangerous hour.

— Supernaturally diffuse tensions and thwart any plans Moscow may have of invasion.

— Protect, encourage and strengthen the Estonian and Ukrainian followers of Jesus Christ to boldly minister to their fellow countrymen in such a dangerous moment.

— Encourage and strengthen the Estonian church to truly bless Israel and the Jewish people in such a time as this.

I would also ask for prayer that the Lord would “command me what to say and how to say it,” according to John 12:49 (NIV).

Event Schedule

Here’s the schedule. You can register to watch the events free by clicking here.

You can also replay all the programs at a later and more convenient time.

Feb. 15

— 13:00-16:00 (Israel time) Official Estonian Parliament Reception (6 a.m. EST and continues until 9 a.m. EST ).

— 19:30 (Israel time) Celebrate Jerusalem Concert at the Oleviste Church (11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. EST).

Feb. 16

— 09:00 (Israel time) Prayer Breakfast (2:00 a.m. EST).

— 11:00 (Israel time) Learning Sessions (4:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. EST). {eoa}

This article originally appeared at All Israel News.

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