Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Christian Leaders Urge Congress to Sanction Iran, Prevent Terrorism


Christian Leaders for a Nuclear-Free Iran (CLNFI) sent a letter to Congress today urging lawmakers to place sanctions on Iran to prevent the Middle East country from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Representing millions of evangelicals, Roman Catholics and other Christians, CLNFI told Congress the time has come to “act.”

“Now that super-majorities in the house and senate have made their support for sanctions known, and now that the Iranian regime has made its increasing defiance clear to the world, the time for Congress to act has arrived,” said Richard Land of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The letter urges members of the House to pass, at a minimum, a cut-off in exports of refined petroleum products, including gasoline, as a firm yet peaceful message to the world’s leaders of state-sponsored terrorism.

After repeated efforts to persuade Iran to comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told member nations that diplomatic efforts with Iran have come to a “dead end.” Since then, Iranian officials have announced plans to build additional nuclear facilities.

At the beginning of his diplomatic efforts with Iran this spring, President Obama said that “by the end of the year we should have some sense whether or not these discussions are starting to yield significant benefits,” and specifically held out for the prospect of sanctions against Tehran “to ensure that Iran understands we are serious.”

CLNFI is urging Congress to take advantage of the overwhelming bi-partisan majority in both the House and the Senate and bring legislation implementing sanctions to an immediate vote.


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