Believers Entering the Jubilee Gate of 5784 with Hope and Promise

We have entered through the door of the “New Year” at Rosh Hashanah, and now the “Gate” of Yom Kippur. But what have we crossed over into?

A new year, for certain. Open doors, closed doors and a time where we sense the weight of what He is calling us to in the kingdom, ever pressing into our present time. 

So many of us have looked forward to this time we have now entered, looked forward to this “Timed Gate.” We cross over a gate every year at this time, but this one is different. Is it because it is 5784, and the 4 in Hebrew represents an “Open door”? Perhaps that is part of it … but is there more? Yes, there is more.  

I honestly wasn’t sure if I should believe it or not, as others weren’t really discussing it, but the more I researched and prayed into what I had found, the more I knew that the Lord was showing me the significance of this gate we were moving into. This was confirmed several times, through multiple sources.

So, what was it I found out in my research? At first, I thought that the Lord was showing me that this was a Shemitah year on the Hebrew calendar, meaning the one year in seven where the land rests, debts are forgiven and there is peace and resting. But no, it wasn’t that, as the Shemita was last year, in 2022. So why was this year so special, a stepping into a new season, unlike many others, even more significant than the Shemita year? Well, you see, after seven Shemita cycles (7×7 =49), there is the 50th year, known as the Jubilee year.

I actually found that compelling “archaeological and prophetic evidence suggests the ram’s horn announcing the 70th Year of Jubilee will sound on the Day of Atonement on Sept. 25, 2023”.

This day will announce the 70th Year of Jubilee, 70 50-year cycles since Joshua led Israel to enter the promised land in 1406 BC.

This is not just us declaring “It’s Our Jubilee Year,” This really is the Jubilee Year.  Many of us, who are under the age of 50, have never even been on the earth when there was an actual Jubilee Year … but now we will be.

This 70th Year of Jubilee will celebrate our release from the toils of this world, and the restoration of our ancient spiritual inheritance in God’s kingdom.  This is why there has been such warfare leading up to this particular gate and time. This is why the enemy has been fighting so hard. He wanted us to give up before we entered this gate, or simply stop believing for what the Lord has promised.

Many would argue that it can’t be a Jubilee year, as the Jews themselves do not celebrate the Jubilee any longer, and will not until all the 12 tribes are back in Israel again. Yet still, I felt the Lord speaking to me about this, and He showed me that just because they refuse to celebrate or observe it, does not mean that He does not, nor does it mean that we should not. The Lord set up the Jubilee Year, and He alone can stop it. I believe He wants us to recognize, live in and celebrate this Jubilee Year. 

The Jubilee Year is a time of restoration, it is a time of abundance, it is time of double portion. It is a time where what has been taken from us, must be returned, just as it is declared in Joel 2: “All the years that the locust have eaten, the cankerworm, the caterpillar and the palmerworm”. All the reaping that we have been waiting for, but which has seemingly been delayed. It is a time of restitution.

I believe that this is truly a big part of the “Best of Times” that the Lord has shown me was coming, although I did not realize at the time that this was a part of it. It is a Kairos time, like never before, for us to step into that which has been stored up for us, for such a time as this … in order that we may do what He has for us to do in the kingdom in this hour in history … even in the midst of great darkness that is covering the earth, and more that is coming.

Amanda Shiflett is the founder of Prophetic Reformer and co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries, along with her husband Darin. She is a prophetic minister who heard the Lord’s call from a very young age. She is a heralding voice of truth, holiness and purity within the prophetic and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings.

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