Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Women, Take Charge of Your Health With This Natural Remedy

In this episode of the Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze talks with his special guest, Madelyn Garza, as they discuss her amazing comeback from horrible, painful menopause symptoms. Garza took charge of her health, and with the help of Dr. Hotze and his staff, is feeling almost 100% again after only three months of treatment.

In 2009, Garza was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. The chemotherapy caused her to go into menopause at the age of 47. She suffered from extreme fatigue, brain fog, severe vaginal pain, anxiety, depression and hair loss.

Garza described her symptoms: “just very tired, extreme tired, very anxious and jittery, brain fog, no focus, feeling down and depressed. My hair was falling out; it felt very thin and dry. Muscle atrophies, moodiness, just irritable, just all kinds. I mean, just mainly emotionally it hit me. Urethral incontinence, I had muscle atrophy. I had vaginal atrophy, severe vaginal atrophy.”

After her doctor recommended an antidepressant to mask her symptoms, she knew there had to be a better way.

In July of 2020, Garza became a guest of the Hotze Health and Wellness Center at the advice of her husband. They treated the root cause of her problems naturally instead of covering up symptoms with more prescription drugs. Her results were almost immediate, and today she feels like a new woman!

If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, click here to take our symptom-checker quiz.

Learn how to get back to your happy, healthy self again! Click here to listen to this podcast now on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution on the Charisma Podcast Network! {eoa}

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