Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why Women’s Health Issues Create Such a Buzz

Why are women's health issues such a hot topic?

Women’s health topics bring up such strong emotions—”for” and “against” and everything in between. By listening to some people you’d think the most important issues in life, in our culture, in our world, were contraception, abortion and female sexuality.

OK, so these are important topics. But why do they stir up such strong feelings? Are these issues really as important as the noise would have us believe? As important as they are, there must be some deeper issues at play. It’s got to be about more than the simple medical facts these issues involve. Is it something deeper?

Why Are Women’s Health Topics Such a Big Deal?

In this 3-minute video, I talk about why women’s health topics resonate in us as deeply and loudly as they do. It has a lot to do with who we really are as women, the assaults we’ve experienced and what God wants to do in and for us. Women’s health and shame too often go together, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

This is an excerpt from a longer program I did with my friend Kristi Lemley of Living in the Light TV. We talked about women’s health, the brokenness so many women feel around these issues, the role of shame and what kind of healing God wants to bring. I share a few stories of specific women I’ve worked with who have faced big struggles here.

Women’s health doesn’t have to mean shame and pain. It can mean healing and freedom. {eoa}

Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley is both a board certified OB-Gyn physician and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. As an author and speaker, she loves helping people discover the Fully Alive kind of life that Jesus came to bring us. Visit her website at

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