Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

When Self-Discipline Overrides the Chocolate Pang

Girl with chocolate

A couple of years ago, I was in the grocery store waiting in the cash register line about to pay. As I was waiting, I looked to my right and there it was: the candy bar rack.

Normally, I glance at it and turn away. That day, my eyes lingered.

I wondered if my favorite chocolate was there. Yep, there it was. Ferrero Rocher.

I stood there looking at the gold-wrapped Ferrero Rocher. My mind was whispering, “You know, some chocolate would really be good right now. You haven’t had one of those in a long time. Go on, buy it.”

I smiled at the thought. Then I said to myself, “Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll pass.”

I left the candy bar where it was, paid for my purchases and left.

As I drove home, I thought about what happened. How was I able to pass up the candy bar so easily now when 10 years ago, the candy bar would have been in my buggy so fast it would have made your head spin?

What had changed?

Then it hit me. The difference is that now I think of my thoughts as suggestions, not commands.

Before, I would have automatically taken my previous thought as a command that I must obey. When I thought, “Wow, a candy bar sure would be good. Go ahead and buy it,” my actions would have said, “Yes, Master,” and I would have bought it.

Now I question my thoughts. I want to maintain a healthy weight for life and live with purpose, energy and vitality. Because of that, I question any thought that opposes my goal.

I recognize it is up to me to decide whether to obey my thoughts or not. Self-discipline springs from that knowledge.

Now, in case you are wondering, I do have a small piece of chocolate when I really want it. But the truth is, I didn’t really want it that day. I recognized it was just an automatic fallback into my old habits and ways of thinking.

I don’t forbid myself to have anything. But the majority of my diet is healthy, and I save the less healthy stuff for special occasions. On those occasions, chocolate is good!

If I had the chocolate, I would have eaten half the package to get a good taste of it, eaten it slowly to savor it and enjoy it, and then thrown the rest away. So even that is different from the way I used to do things! Before I would have felt like I had to finish it all.

By viewing your thoughts as suggestions and not commands, you have the freedom to question those suggestions and make a decision based on what is best for you and your ultimate wellbeing.

You are able to make most of your food choices ones that will heal, energize and nourish your body while still enjoying the less healthy ones in moderation. It is the best of both worlds.

Kimberly Taylor is the author of The Weight-Loss Scriptures and many other books. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power. Visit takebackyourtemple.com and receive more free health and weight-loss tips.

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