Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

As you battle for your child’s future and God-given inheritance, you might think to yourself, “I don’t see any change taking place. Does God know what we are going through?”

I can assure you that Jesus, who indeed is interceding at the right hand of God, knows exactly what you are going through. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Ps. 34:18, ESV). Every child on the spectrum has got what I would call a “crushed spirit.” If you are waiting to see a breakthrough and healing for your child, this God-inspired insight will help you.

A couple in my church desperately wanted to see their child healed of autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Each time they came, I would pray to break the power of the enemy operating at the back of the young girl. The Holy Spirit said, “Ask the parents to engage with their daughter using intelligent conversation.”

So, I did. I encouraged them to try talking with their daughter every night before she slept, for just five or 10 minutes, about things of a more intellectual nature. When I saw the family again, they were excited to share that they had seen a change. They said their daughter was now very vocal, descriptive and able to comprehend things. They were so happy and attributed this miracle to the way they now spoke with their daughter.

Most autistic children have a fear of speaking, particularly to others, lest they be criticized or bullied. Parents, on the other hand, can have an enormous impact in the life of their child when they speak with them, whether it is talking for five, 10 or 15 minutes a day. In those moments, God is in the midst, gently healing and binding up their wounds (see Ps. 147:3). Now when God binds up those wounds, there is not just an outward healing that takes place but also an inward healing. God will break down the internal barriers around autism, OCD and Asperger’s syndrome. Throughout my years of ministry, parents prefer to see an outward change first to know that God has fulfilled His promise, but before your child’s countenance changes, God often will do an internal work. Once that is done, He works on the external, that’s when you will see your child engage more with others.

The mandate of Jesus is very clear; He came to free those who are held captive. This includes those children on the spectrum. These conditions have an oppressive regime that comes from the power of the enemy. Jesus is the ultimate antidote to the enemy’s work; He came to give liberty to those who are oppressed.

To initiate the healing, first and foremost engage with your child slowly in conversation for five to 20 minutes at a time, and you’ll eventually find the spirit once crushed is crushed no longer. Jesus is in the process of healing them. There may be other things bubbling inside of them that can’t yet be seen outwardly.

Try not to look for the external factors but focus on the things God is working on internally. He will gradually heal your child’s confidence, faith, hope and sense of joy. Once the internal things are healed, you will start to see external changes. Their character will become stronger and stronger. When this happens, you will find that your child is actually a very interesting character with much to say.

The God whom we serve is a God of all possibilities. If you keep pursuing His word, pursuing His Spirit and pursuing Him in devotion, you will see Him move mightily in your and your child’s life.

I invite you to join my private Facebook group, Autism Overturned. Post a picture of your child, and I will start to pray for them. When you have joined the group, let me know if you would like a free prayer cloth to place in your child’s pillowcase. Furthermore, check out my Autism Overturned podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network..

Reg Morais is the senior pastor of Living Faith Community Church, launched from Anoint the World Ministries, which he founded 15 years prior. Each week he runs seven services, reaching a global audience through social media platforms. Learn more about him and his ministry at

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