Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Use Your Authority as Landlord of Your Body to Evict Sickness

God's healing word is there for us to use.

What we think in our hearts, we are. I want to challenge you to reverse a common mind-set, especially if it is still trying to cling to you. See yourself as a well person, evicting sickness with boldness and righteous indignation, not as a sick person struggling to get well.

Sickness is like a big, ugly spider that has invaded your home. It is not the boss or authority over your dwelling. It is not there to be your pet. God does not intend it as a punishment for your past. Jesus already took your punishment on the cross, if you’ll let Him have it. It is not God’s will for you to live with a toxic, poisonous spider!

You are the owner of your home and body, and you have authority to evict any trespasser that would make you sick. Get mad and slay your challenger with Scripture. It is trying to steal your precious living space and hurt your family.

Keep in mind, before you begin evicting this creature, to check any unguarded door. Take care of any unforgiveness or conscious sin that might have opened the door to illness in the first place:

“Therefore, since we are encompassed with such great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1).

“Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much” (James 5:16).

You wouldn’t announce, “Hey, family, a big, ugly, poisonous spider is going to live in our house!” That would be a ridiculous statement to make, especially when you can put on your stomping boots and destroy this toxic creature. Agreeing with a sad fate that accompanies a diagnosis lays a blueprint for its fulfillment. It is like inviting that ugly spider to invade your home and set itself up as the master.

If you let it, the “spider” will continue ruling the situation until you start to believe the truth—that you have power and authority over it, due to what Christ has already provided for you.

God wants you out of a weak, victim-based belief pattern as soon as possible. He has told you that you are more than a conqueror through Christ. If you don’t quite see yourself that way yet, God says to speak strength to yourself:

“Let the weakling say, “I am a warrior!” (Joel 3:10).

But you also have to want to be well, enough to be diligent to do your part. Jesus asked this very question of one man He encountered:

“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been in that condition now a long time, He said to him, ‘Do you want to be healed?'” (John 5:6).

If you receive more attention because of that spider, part of you may wish to keep him. I once knew a minister who would not proceed in praying for someone until the person looked him square in the eye and answered, “Yes, I want to be well!” Sometimes a client of mine will appear to be searching for wellness but prove resistant to suggestions or support. In this case I’ve learned it comes down to a single question: “Do you want to be well?”

See your position of victory before you begin. Do you have a picture of what that looks like in your mind? See that big boot of yours raised above that spider! Now say, “Adios,” and do what needs to be done. Then speak from the Scriptures what your wellness looks like, as often as you need to. We already know that this is necessary and powerful. Know that there is always a profitable return. God’s Words always bring results:

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Is. 55:11).

“For I the Lord will speak, and the word that I speak shall come to pass … “ (Ezek. 12:25).

God’s healing word is there for us to use, and it never returns empty-handed because God is the guarantor of His promises. Enter God’s court with well-deserved praise. Keep your vision of your wellness and the Scriptures that support them constantly in front of you. Remember that pictures are powerful. Use them in your bathroom, kitchen, office and car.

Do your due diligence to understand His will and the part you are to play. Make a solid case. And rest in the fact that you have made your heavenly Father and all of His gems of spiritual healing your source. In this knowledge you can inwardly be in perfect peace and see yourself healed and whole, as Isaiah 26:3 says: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” {eoa}

Excerpted from Healing Words by Sylvia Rogers; published in 2016 by Siloam/Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. To order the book, click here.

Sylvia Rogers is committed to teaching scriptural healing techniques to help people take more responsibility for their health and partner with their heavenly Father to experience wholeness and lasting wellness. She holds a bachelor of science in nursing and is a certified nutritionist, a natural health consultant and herb specialist, and a national lecturer and teacher for Nature’s Sunshine Products. She is also a certified biofeedback specialist who has assisted her clients in praying biblical promises and principles during biofeedback sessions with eye-opening and astounding results. 

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