Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Secret Ingredient to Stubborn Weight Loss

Overweight woman

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:2-4).

To be successful in your weight loss journey, you need patience. However, if you are anything like I was at the beginning, you need help with that. You want the excess weight gone yesterday. But that’s not how it works. Just like a farmer plants seeds and waters them regularly, knowing that the harvest is coming, so you will need to be patient like he is. Take care of yourself and take healthy actions daily, knowing that your body is reshaping itself with every step you take.

As you go through this journey, keep a positive perspective. It’s a joyful process that you are going through, and there are lots of things to celebrate beyond just getting to a certain number on a scale or reaching a certain size. 

You are learning about yourself and what it takes to keep you healthy. You’re sending a message to yourself that you are important. If you make a mistake, get back on track at the next opportunity. Every time you make a promise to yourself and keep it, you increase your confidence. And you will be amazed at how this confidence will make every other part of your life better. 

All of these rewards and more are yours when you stick with the process and let patience have its perfect work.

Physical Freedom Tip

Adding physical activity into your day is another key to your freedom. If you haven’t been exercising, then start with 10 minutes of exercise. As a beginner, creating a regular exercise habit is more important than the number of minutes you put in. Assess your schedule and decide how many days a week you are willing to commit to the process.

Each week you can add five minutes to your time as you get stronger. Personally, I like exercises that combine aerobics and strength training because I have a time-crunched life and want to be as efficient as possible. So I use a popular exercise DVD series, kettlebells or jogging on a rebounder (which surprisingly does strengthen your muscles). Many women overlook strength training, but those exercises shape and tone your body. Not only that, but the muscle you add will increase your metabolism so that you burn more calories even while you are at rest.  

Physical Freedom Assignment

If you aren’t exercising currently, then set a goal that you are going to take a 10-minute walk today. If you don’t want to walk outside, then you can just march in place. Your workouts should be challenging but comfortable. Also, check out some of the great strength training videos on YouTube. Finally, plan the remainder of your week, fitting in your physical activity according to your schedule. 

Kimberly Taylor is the author of The Weight-Loss Scriptures and many other books. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power. Visit and receive more free health and weight-loss tips.

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