Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Juice Lady’s Keys to Health and Healing

Running Swiftly

Calbom hopes to hear more stories like Lois Sobkoviak’s, who continues to be pain-free as long as she chooses the right foods. “If she cheats, the pain starts coming back,” Calbom says. “So she has to follow the narrow path, which is the one I have to follow.”

She admits that path isn’t easy. “It’s like Joyce Meyer said, it isn’t that you aren’t going to go to heaven if you eat that cookie. But are you going to be able to run the race God called you to run? Probably not. You’re going to be tired.”

“God wants us to run the race swiftly,” she adds. “The apostle Paul said, ‘I discipline my body so that I might win the race.’ I think it’s every day, day in and day out, remembering our goal—that we are called to be people of God who are disciplined, because we have a greater calling. We have a prize and we have a purpose for our lives—and we want to hear the Father say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You completed the course I called you to.'”

Adrienne S. Gaines is a writer and editor based in central Florida.

Watch Cherie Calbom share her supernatural testimony of how God restored her health at

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