Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Juice Lady’s Keys to Health and Healing

The vision was dramatically depicted when Calbom appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural last year, and the episode generated one of the largest responses in the ministry’s 12-year history.

Concerning the show’s impact, Executive Producer Warren Marcus says, “We believe it has to do with her powerful testimony—of her dealing spiritually with the darkness that invaded her life … and her discovery by God of eating healthy using juicing. Her attitude, her faith and her heart to help others live healthy have inspired millions.”

Indeed, Calbom heard from people all over the world. “So many said, ‘I feel like that person lying on the battlefield. I feel beaten down, discouraged. And I saw that [show], and it gave me hope for the first time in years,'” she says.

Among those impacted was Josh Hamilton, the all-star slugger for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim who lost 20 pounds before the baseball season began last year, in part because of Calbom’s juicing program. He had joined his church in fasting and had given up bread, but he credits juicing as getting him in better shape for the season.

“The Lord kept waking me up in the middle of the night over a month,” the former MVP told the Orange County Register. “And then The Juice Lady was on. It was like, all right, I always pray the Lord will help me feel better … but am I doing my part? Now it’s time for me to do my part.”

That is the very message Calbom challenges her audience with when addressing healing. She believes God wants to heal us, but that there is something we can do to aid in our healing. “God says, ‘Come out from among them, My people, and be separate,'” Calbom says. “We are not to eat the foods of the world. We are not to follow the pattern of the world because it doesn’t work. It’s what is making us sick.”

She says the foods most Americans eat have been “ruined” by processing. Wheat, for instance, has been hybridized with more gluten to get fluffier bread and has been genetically modified, “and it’s ruining people’s guts,” she says. “They’ve taken what God gave us for our food, our energy, our healing, and ruined it … to make more money. They give us food that’s not only worthless, it’s toxic because it makes us sick.”

People are getting sick—many seriously—younger and younger, and the average prayer line at church attests to the fact that many Christians, despite praying and seeking God for healing, remain terribly ill. To reverse the damage created by the typical American diet, Calbom says it’s essential to get rid of toxins, stop eating toxic food and give our bodies superior nutrition. She says: “That is why I’m such a strong proponent of vegetable juicing, because it’s concentrated nutrition without a lot of calories, and it detoxes because it’s full of antioxidants. It binds up to free radicals and … gets them out of the body.”

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