Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Researchers: Nearly 90 Percent Increase in Advanced Breast Cancers

Breast cancer awareness

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer commented on a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association published in February. The authors, led by Rebecca Johnson, MD, reported that the incidence of advanced breast cancer which, by the time of diagnosis, had already spread to distant locations (i.el bone, brain, lungs, etc.) among women aged 25-39 years had jumped by nearly 90 percent during a 33 year period.

Noting there are more aggressive breast cancers and low survival rates among young women, researchers said the increases in the incidence of advanced cancers were statistically significant and climbed from 1.53 percent in 1976 to 2.90 percent in 2009. That’s an increase of 2.07 percent per year, compounded.

“It’s utterly stunning that Johnson’s team called the increased incidence in advanced cancers among young women ‘small,’” said Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer. “That’s a nearly doubled increase in the incidence of a disease with a mean five year fatality rate of 69 percent. By contrast, the mean five-year fatality rate among women with breast cancers that have not spread to distant sites is 13.2 percent.

“It’s peculiar, but not surprising, that the authors offered no hypotheses in their paper explaining the increased incidence in advanced cancers among young women. Abortion and use of hormonal contraceptive steroids among teenagers are the elephants in the living room that the medical establishment ignores.”

The rate of advanced breast cancer doubled for African Americans, ages 25-39, climbing from 3.14 in 1976 to 6.25 per 100,000 in 2009, with a statistically significant annual percent change of 3.50.

“Is this any wonder when the abortion rate for African American women is more than double that of white women?” asked Mrs. Malec.

By comparison, the rate of advanced breast cancer for non-Hispanic whites in the same age group climbed by 56 percent during that period from 1.52 in 1976 to 2.37 per 100,000 in 2009, with a statistically significant annual percent change of 2.67.

“Many more young women are at risk for developing advanced breast cancer in the future because of an ObamaCare mandate requiring employers to purchase insurance that will provide “free” (cancer-causing) hormonal contraceptive steroids and abortion-inducing drugs,” Malec said. “It doesn’t matter to government officials how many lives are destroyed because of it.”

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