Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

As you forgive… you will be peeling off one layer of hurt at a time.
Do you know that many physical and emotional problems are rooted in negative emotions? Anger, fear and guilt are the most destructive. They block the natural, harmonious flow of life and lead us down a path to disease and emotional breakdown. If we do not forgive those who have hurt us and surrender our pain and anger to God, over a period of time our bodies begin to show the effects of the unresolved hurt. I have personally experienced this phenomenon.

Specific behaviors and emotional responses can be associated with particular diseases. For example, people who are fixed or rigid in their approach to life are often plagued with arthritis.

In a similar way, pent-up emotions with resultant stress–unrelieved internal pressure–may lead to high blood pressure. Cancer has been linked to feeling lonely, disconnected or having a fear of loss. And blocked coronary arteries are often found in people who have a hard time expressing love and other feelings.

We must deal with our “emotional demons.” The process is similar to peeling an onion. As you forgive, and release old patterns and choose to love, you will be peeling off one layer of hurt at a time–and often, there will be tears.

But the reward is sweet. With God’s help, you will be renewed, regenerated, revitalized and able to handle future emotional pain from a changed perspective.

A few years ago, I had a client who was dealing with intense emotions. As she began to peel her onion, fear about many issues came to the surface. Fear was clearly disrupting her life and undermining her health.

After designing a nutritional health-building program for her, I recommended that she begin each day with a 30-minute walk. What started as a stress-relieving exercise routine turned into a life-changing spiritual experience for her. As she walked each morning, she prayed.

She prayed about her relationship with her husband, their finances and the health of family members. She prayed for people in her neighborhood and friends who were struggling. She prayed for her business and for direction in all that she undertook.

As she continued to peel her onion, her stress levels fell dramatically, her relationships became more fulfilling, her needs were met, and she stopped feeling anxious, because she had turned everything over to God in prayer. Add in the positive effect that walking had on her health, and the transformation was complete–body, mind and spirit. Her life was now “sweet to the core.”

The following health challenges are often a result of negative emotions: anxiety attacks (fear); asthma (feeling stifled); candida (anger, frustration); colitis (fear, insecurity); chronic fatigue (stress, insecurity, inadequacy); fibromyalgia (resentment, feeling unloved); heartburn (fear); insomnia (fear, guilt); liver problems (anger). If you experience any of these health challenges, I have good news. There is a way to rebuild your health and get back on the road to happiness, enabling you to be the full expression of who God intended you to be.

A total emotional makeover is possible. Here are the steps to take to achieve one.

First, pray and ask God to transform you by the renewing of your mind. Go through the process of forgiving past hurts, pain and wounding, and make an effort to resolve and heal strained relationships. Do as the Bible commands: “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16, NKJV).

Second, replenish your brain with specific therapeutic amino-acid formulas such as GABA, glycine and glutamine that will feed the brain and restore balance. Finally, rebuild your body with good nutrition, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Stress and emotional pain take a toll, so it is important to fortify your physical “temple.”

Don’t be reluctant to “peel your onion.” It may cause a few tears–but the tears will help wash away years of hurt and pain that have hindered your true potential in Christ.

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