Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

New Year, New You: How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are to “save money” and “eat healthier.” Most people think you have to pick one or the other because eating healthy is too expensive, but that’s not true. You can actually switch to a healthier diet without breaking the bank.

Tiffany Terczak is living proof eating right doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Far from it. She feeds her Atlanta family of four with super healthy foods, often organics, for the low, low cost of only $330 a month!

And Terczak gives God the glory for what she sees as a miracle financial healing that came her way during the process.

She and her husband were languishing under a “scary amount of debt,” so they prayed for help from the Lord. Not long after that, she realized the grocery budget had the “greatest amount of wiggle-room” compared to fixed expenses like the mortgage and car payment.

Climbing out of Debt—By Getting a Grip on the Grocery Budget

“If we ever wanted to climb out of debt, it had to be with the grocery budget,” Terczak told CBN News.

They achieved their goal, largely by slashing grocery spending in half, and as an added blessing, without sacrificing the health of their family.

“We eat real food, so food that comes from the ground and animals that eat plants from the ground,” she told CBN News, “We hardly eat anything processed, and by processed I’m referring to boxes, just-add-water type of things. We don’t eat that.”

She says this didn’t happen by accident.

“God has pulled us out of the depths of debt and gave me the skill,” she told CBN News, adding, “Even if your budget’s really small, you can still eat well within a small budget.”


Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News.

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