Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Natural Menopause Management

According to Janet Macarro, Ph.D., CNC, in her book Midlife Meltdown (Siloam), it’s time to start “rethinking midlife hormonal health.”

She encourages the use of the following natural supplements * to alleviate some of the symptoms brought on by menopause:

Black cohosh capsules

80-160 mg per day
Anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginaldryness, depression, heart palpitations, headaches, sleeplessness

Natural progesterone cream

1/4-1/2 teaspoon twice daily for three weeks, alternating application to the chest, inner arms, face, neck, palms and soles of feet
Helps build bone; may also protect against breast cancer

Vitamin E

400-1600 IU per day
Skin dryness, hot flashes; may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke

Gamma oryzanol (derived from rice bran oil)

300 mg per day
Hot flashes, headaches, sleeplessness, mood swings.

Always consult with your healthcare provider before taking natural supplements.

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