Medical Doctor: The Most Commonly Undiagnosed Health Condition

In this podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze discusses the importance of thyroid function for optimal health. He reveals that hypothyroidism is the most commonly undiagnosed health condition.

Did you know that the thyroid hormone governs every cell in the human body and is the number one source of energy? Low energy is the first sign of inadequate production of the active thyroid hormone, but there are many other common symptoms. In addition, 95% of Americans will have “normal” levels of thyroid hormone according to standard blood tests, regardless of symptoms, so they won’t get properly diagnosed and treated for low thyroid function.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, mood swings, depression, lack of focus, weight gain, low body temperature, muscle aches and pains, abnormal bowel function and irregular menstrual cycles, among others. Unfortunately, many doctors will simply treat the symptoms by prescribing medication for depression, joint pain, sleep aids and so on, without digging deeper to find the root cause.

Dr. Hotze says, “I think one of the most important things you can do is be evaluated for your thyroid. Thyroid governs every cell in your body, everything that happens in your body, from the way you think, to your sight, to your heart function, to your lungs, to your bowel function, your red cell production and your hormone production—all are directly related to your thyroid hormone function at the cellular level.”

If you have any of the signs and symptoms mentioned on this podcast, take our free symptom checker test at

Learn how to get back to your happy, healthy self again! Click here to listen to this podcast now on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution on the Charisma Podcast Network! {eoa}

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