Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How a Prophetic Word Helped One Woman Beat Cancer

We serve an amazing God who has a beautiful and perfect plan for every life ,including yours. I’m humbled and blessed beyond measure by how our magnificent Lord has been so faithful to guide me, direct me and protect me. Philippians 1:6 reminds me of this promise:

“I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Chris” (Phil. 1:6).

Twelve years ago, I received a prophetic word at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp in Hot Springs, Arkansas: “There is a work that you will do for the Lord, and you will have a healing ministry.”

Little did I know this would propel me into what God had planned for my life.

Since then, God has guided me through a series of divinely orchestrated steps that would lead me to create resources to help people live cancer-free.

In 2009, I received the diagnosis everyone fears: breast cancer. I was paralyzed with fear and confusion. I felt lost, alone and had a deep, profound sorrow in my heart.

Six surgeries and four rounds of chemotherapy made for the worst year of my life. When all the treatments were finished and I was declared cancer-free, I found myself with an overwhelming compassion and desire to understand how I, and so many people, found themselves in the cancer nightmare. I knew there had to be a better way.

This led me on the path to beginning the healing ministry that was spoken of years before. I committed my career and my life to helping people become cancer-free.

How Early Is Early Detection?

The doctors told me that the cancer had been growing undetected in my body for seven to 10 years. Then they said that they had caught it early.

Early? I thought. Why didn’t we catch this sooner?

My lab work was all in normal range. And yet, I had a 1.9-centimeter tumor deep in my right breast. I felt fine, yet I had cancer and needed disfiguring surgery and toxic chemotherapy. If it had been caught earlier, I could have avoided that. I again pondered the prophetic word about having a healing ministry and sought the Lord for guidance.

Let’s look at a few of the current statistics for cancer that are mind-boggling:

  • The American Cancer Society projects that 1,735,350 people will be diagnosed with cancer this year and that 609,640 will die from the disease.
  • Approximately 38.4percent of men and women will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.
  • Experts agree that 90 percent of all cancers are influenced by lifestyle choices.
  • Studies confirm that only about 5 percent of cancers are related to genetics.

The statistics reveal that what we are doing is not working. We are living in an amazing time in history. I believe God is revealing truth in politics, business, media and medicine. It’s time that we look past the cancer industries’ marketing campaigns, campaigns that have shaped what we believe and how we respond emotionally. It’s time for truth!

Since that time, I have traveled the world finding the best experts, mentors, teachers, doctors, healers and scientists so I could learn the truth about cancer. My team created powerful resources designed to help people prevent and reverse cancer. We want to free you from fear and remove the confusion of a cancer diagnosis. My life’s purpose is to inspire, educate and equip people to be cancer-free.

The Truth About the Cancer Industry

The cancer industry is a trillion-dollar industry that profits from the disease. For over a decade, we have had the tools necessary to detect cancer years before it would be discovered in today’s conventional medical system.

In time to prevent the need for traumatic therapies like chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. In time for the body to heal with safe, non-toxic interventions. Consider how many people might still be alive if we were using these tools.

Instead, we are still using coarse imaging methods, which means tumors can grow for years undiscovered. We are not embracing the potential of the many powerful healing substances that God placed on the earth, nor are we fully utilizing personalized protocols. Each of you deserves the best, and we want to share with you a new approach that can stop cancer in its tracks.

As I reflect on my journey, it is so clear that the Lord lined up everything that he wanted me to learn and put things directly in my path. I put what I discovered in a book. I’m a new author, and sharing this message was a labor of love for humanity.

One morning after completing the book, I told the Lord that someday I hoped to do the work He has for me to do. Then it happened! I was shocked to hear the Holy Spirit say, “The book was the work.”

My eyes teared up and the hair stood up on my arms. The book was the work! I had done it, and He had been directing my steps.

Cancer is personal. Your body was created to heal. I pray that you will have an open mind, embrace the truth and allow me to share with you advanced early-detection strategies, unique treatment options and proven prevention strategies. {eoa}

This article is based on Cancer-Free!: Are You Sure? (Charisma House, 2018) by Jenny Hrbacek, RN. Hrbacek was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 and has since set out on a life-changing journey to help people detect cancer early, effectively treat it if diagnosed, and avoid cancer recurrence. She is the founder of Cancer Free University, an online, on-demand resource with over seventy world-class experts, scientists, physicians and researchers. She also appears in Ty Bollinger’s docuseries The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest and The Cancer Answers Global Summit and is a featured contributor to Doug Kaufmann’s TV show, Know the Cause. Hrbacek is a member of the advisory board and a general advisory board member of the Best Answer for Cancer Foundation. Find her website at Hrbacek lives in Texas.

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