Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Have We Fired the Great Physician?

The title of this article may surprise you. But we are serious.

Have we taken the great physician, terminated his role and removed him from his position? There are over 50 biblical references to God being our healer—or, better said, our great physician.

As an example, let’s dive into one verse making this reference:

“And he said to them, ‘Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, “Physician, heal yourself.” What we have heard you did at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well'” (Luke 4:23, ESV).

As we know, and as we clearly see, references to God being our great physician are pointed and direct. But perhaps we need to revisit our own perception of our great physician. Do we go to him first? Do we listen to his directives? Do we obey his commands?

To make these questions more illustrative, let’s consider this scenario:

As a parent, your child comes to you and states his stomach is upset. You question your child and determine he ate something very unhealthy. You caution him not to eat that again.

Three hours later, your child returns and offers the same complaint. You determine he ate the same pollution-filled, chemically altered food substance once again. You admonish him and encourage him to stop the sickness causing behavior.

Four hours later, your child returns once again. You guessed it; he did it again. He did not listen to your warning. Now, he is sick, such that he requires acute medical intervention.

Your love for that child does not diminish during this succession of events. You are grateful he came to you. However, you are grieved he didn’t listen.

As you can see, the previous illustration is meant to prove a point. Our Father God, the greatest of all physicians, tells us what to do, how to do it, what to eat and what to stay away from to keep us healthy and well, all the days of our life.

Do we need medicine? Sometimes, yes. But to depend on someone (or something such as medicine) for healing who’s wearing a white coat versus (and above) the one wearing a white robe is the greatest of all absurdities.

Perhaps, we need to give the great physician his job back. {eoa}

Mark Sherwood, naturopathic doctor, is on a mission to help you achieve wellness in every area of your life. Dr. Mark and his wife, Michele L. Neil-Sherwood, D.O., have a successful medical practice, the Functional Medical Institute; have a television and radio program; and provide resources, including their Amazon bestseller, The Quest for Wellness; nutrition plans; fitness instructional videos and helpful mental and emotional steps to provide relief from stress and to help people form better habits, so they can live well.

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