Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Joseph Christiano, N.D., C.N.C., puts a new twist on the oft-repeated phrase “You are what you eat.” He says that to be healthy we have to eat what we are! Meaning? “Each of us should eat a diet that is compatible with our blood type,” Christiano says, because “each blood type has different characteristics that allow it to eat, digest and assimilate food best for that group.” People with Type O blood, for example, can metabolize almost anything, but those with Types A, B and AB must be more careful in choosing what kinds of food they eat. Christiano’s book Blood Types, Body Types and You (Siloam) lists the foods that are best for each type and tells how to fix them to maximize health. Find out your blood type, and you’re on the way to a better you!


It’s not a small problem anymore; childhood obesity has become an epidemic. Statistics show that 30 percent of American kids are overweight or approaching that condition. In her new book, Overweight Kids (Integrity Publishers), licensed clinical therapist Linda Mintle lays part of the blame on the media. Spending a lot of time in front of screens–whether they are on a computer, TV or hand-held video game–reduces the amount of physical activity a child engages in and may expose him to advertisements for unhealthy products that encourage weight gain. Parents and other adults can help, says Mintle, by limiting exposure to all screen media, modeling healthy eating habits, and providing more opportunities for outdoor play.


“Most women have been taught to believe that when they have hormonal symptoms, the reason is that they are low on estrogen. The truth is that many women are actually estrogen dominant; the levels of estrogen…are too high in their
Healing By Design (Siloam, 2003, p. 105)


Let’s face it: Americans are hooked on soda. Many people drink it instead of coffee to wake them up in the morning. But they may not be aware of the long-term effects of their habit, especially if they are drinking some form of cola rather than a clear soda. According to medical doctor Reginald B. Cherry, the phosphoric acid in the cola has a detrimental effect on bone density because it interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body. In a Tufts University study, he claims, “women who drank cola daily had lower bone-mineral density than those who drank cola once a week (or less often) or drank clear soda.” Cherry’s solution? “Substitute soft drinks for more nutritious beverages such as no-sugar-added natural juices; nonfat or low-fat milk; and water. All of these are very good for your health and your bones.”


“And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food’ ” (Gen. 1:29, NKJV).

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