Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Drugless Doctor: Tips to Prevent Infertility

There are things you can do to help overcome infertility.

Unfortunately, infertility has become a common issue. Some might think couples are waiting too long; others do not know why. From my observation, there are several reasons for infertility:

  • Low thyroid
  • Lack of adequate progesterone
  • Sugar consumption
  • Stress

Your thyroid gland acts like the gas pedal of the body. When your thyroid is not up to par, there will be constipation and congestion in the liver. The thyroid requires iodine, as do the ovaries. Here is a real stealth concern most are not aware: Bromine, fluorine and chlorine sabotage iodine.

This is why we complete urine iodine loading tests on females attempting to get pregnant. Now, a female might conceive, but then the real issue is: How long can she stay with the child? The fetus needs enough progesterone to stay connected. Sugar and stress are challenging because they deplete the adrenal gland. Many think the adrenal gland is insignificant, but every bit of hormone helps.

That is also a reason we do the adrenal stress index and female hormone panels. Can I let you in on a little known secret? Wheat products or items with gluten can create adrenal stress.

“What does that mean, Dr. Bob?”

Your pastries, cookies, bagels, Kaiser rolls, hamburger buns and danishes can be a possible cause for why you may have adrenal exhaustion and are not able to get pregnant or stay with child.

Lastly, I have noticed patients with progesterone issues have a greater chance of getting chronic degenerative conditions like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. All of this is preventable. I encourage you to tell your family or friends to purchase my Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones and even complete a health survey. I have seen a tremendous response by making a few easy changes.

Dr. Robert DeMaria is a catalyst for health and well-being. As owner of the Drugless Doctor brands, Dr. Bob’s techniques have restored optimal health to thousands of patients without the need for prescription medication. His research and daily experiences can be seen throughout his seven books, including the best-seller Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones. Dr. Bob has consulted for FedEx, VitaMix and other national brands and has appeared on multiple media portals, including ABC Family, TBN, Fox 8 Cleveland, and WFAN NYC.

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