Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Aligning Your Taste Buds To The Bible

Dr. Kara Davis, M.D.

A few years ago, I taught the book of Genesis for Bible study. Even though I was already aware of the link between the spiritual and the physical, I was pleasantly surprised to find dietary guidelines right in chapter one.

‘Then God said …’
On the third day of creation, “the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed … and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself …” (Genesis 1:12). So God provided food perfectly suited for us, several days before creating man. But God’s kindness did not stop there. The food from the earth has sustenance AND seed. So it meets our needs for today, but the seed secures food for tomorrow.

The Blessing of Seed
Seeds are powerful symbols. Seed represents hope, life and survival. As I prepared my Genesis lessons, I rejoiced in knowing that from the beginning, God provided us with seed–and hope. Then something occurred to me. The most nutritionally complete foods and the foods that can protect against disease are plant-based—most of which contain seed! So every time we cut into a pepper or a cantaloupe full of seed, we deposit in our souls the very image of hope.

A ‘Hopeless’ Diet
Improper diet is a leading cause of death. We are literally eating our way to illness, then the grave. How? Partly because our diets are lacking in plant-based foods—fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains. Symbolically speaking, if seed represents hope, then the average American’s diet is hopeless!

If seed represents life, then our diets lack what brings vitality and longevity. We know that “seedless” foods like sugary drinks and processed meats do not promote health, and may even cause disease.

Our Present and Our Future
I’m compelled to pass a legacy of good health to my children. Seed represents the future; our children are our future. Let’s modify their plates to include more natural foods of the earth, which will lower their risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Let’s take steps today to give hope to our future. And let’s thank God for the provision of seed!

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