Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

A Prayer of Deliverance From Destructive Habits

When you're destructive habits push you the edge, pray this prayer.

Destructive habits. Fear. Pride. Selfishness. Self-pity. Feeling like a victim. I have struggled with all of that and I get sick of it. When I feel that way, I just want to cry out, “Lord, deliver me from me!”

Here is a recent example. I was meditating on Psalm 131 in which King David says that his heart is not haughty (prideful). But pride is a struggle for me at times.

I like that feeling of being strong, independent and self-sufficient. So when I come face to face with my weaknesses, I get reminded for the 1,000th time that without the Lord, I can do nothing!

I wrote this prayer to help when I need the Lord to give me a reality check. I pray it helps you too:

Gracious heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus,

You are my God. You are He who was, who is and who is to come. There is none like You, none who can compare to Your beauty, Your strength and Your holiness. You are worthy to be praised and so praise You I do!

I am thankful that You called me out of darkness into Your marvelous light. You did not have to do it, but You did. I am eternally grateful and look forward to the day when I will be with You forever.

However, until that day I need Your help, Lord. I want to reflect Your glory to a world that needs to see the hope I have in You. But I feel hopeless at the moment. I see the perfection in Your Word, compare it to my weakness and think, How will I ever live up to His standard? I just want to be what You want me to be.

Ah, thank You, Lord. I see the problem now! I am making this issue about me, not about You. I am thinking it is a work I have to do. However, according to 2 Corinthians 5:21, it is a work that You have already done.

Your Word says “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

I come to You on the basis of Jesus’ righteousness, which He has given to me. As He is, so am I in this world. So I yield myself to Your Holy Spirit so that He can work out the righteousness that is within me.

Open up my spiritual eyes so that I may see Your righteousness revealed from faith to faith. Help me to believe Your Word even when my flesh insists that I must feel it before I believe it!

Lord, I believe Your Word even if my feelings are contrary. I can’t trust them when they originate from lying thoughts. I exalt Your Word above my feelings. Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts, and Your ways are higher than my ways.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. I want my daily relationship with You to be as if I am a little child at peace in my Father’s arms.

Thank You Lord, that you are my Jehovah Shammah—You are always there. I praise You, Lord, that You are my Jehovah Shalom—You are my peace. So whenever my heart is overwhelmed, let me seek the shelter of Your arms. I receive Your peace and contentment. Let me be still and know that You are God. Everything I have or ever need is found in You. {eoa}

Kimberly Taylor is the author of The Weight Loss Scriptures and many other books. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify to God’s goodness and healing power. Visit takebackyourtemple.com and receive more free health and weight-loss tips.

For the original article, visit takebackyourtemple.com.

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