Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

8 Steps for Clearing Cellular Memories and Experiencing Healing

Emotional healing can vanquish a great deal of physical infirmities.

I have seen far too many suffer with infirmity because they wanted a miracle and did not get it, and would not pursue His gifts of healings.

Defining Terms

Miracles and gifts of healings – The Bible says, “God has appointed in the church miracles, then gifts of healings” (1 Cor. 12:28). This blog is an example of what God calls “gifts of healings.” I always seek a miracle first and if that doesn’t occur, I explore His “gifts of healings.” I am not going to turn down anything He has offered me. I have seen far too many suffer with infirmity because they wanted a miracle and did not get it, and would not pursue His gifts of healings.

No self-effort allowed – Only prayer guided by the Spirit (Eph. 6:18): Rather than digging around on my own, I will receive words of knowledge as Jesus speaks and shows me things (John 6:63).

Words of knowledge and words of wisdom are received by you through:

  • Jesus’ voice – spontaneous, flowing thoughts which light upon your mind. 
  • Jesus’ vision – spontaneous, flowing pictures which light upon your mind.
  • Jesus’ healing touch – spontaneous, flowing energy and release which you feel in your body.
  • Inner healing – inviting Jesus into the scene where the trauma occurred, seeing what He is doing, hearing what He is saying, feeling His touch and saying yes to His revelation. 
  • Two-way journaling – recording your encounter and dialogue with Jesus on paper or an electronic device.
  • Roaring – Roaring at the enemy is one way of defeating him, so if you feel led to roar, then roar and get the enemy off your back. 
  • A healed hurt – A hurt is healed when you can see the gift God has produced in your life through it (Rom. 8:28).
  • Tapping – some may add tapping to facilitate the flow of revelation of root causes, as well as the release of locked up emotions and cellular tension.

8 Steps for Clearing Cellular Memories and Experiencing Healing

  • I enter His rest – I put on some very soft soaking music to quiet my spirit before Him.
  • I ask Jesus what needs healing – “Lord, what needs healing in my life today? What stressed body organ or infirmity or abnormal emotional response needs to be dealt with?” 
  • I receive words of knowledge – “Holy Spirit, please bring to my attention any event(s) which occurred at the inception of this physical, emotional or spiritual infirmity in my life or which added to it later on.” I tune to flow and make a list of one-line titles for each of the various events which light upon my mind. These are words of wisdom and words of knowledge revealing a root experience which will need to be resolved so the infirmity can be healed. A spouse or close friend can assist me in recalling traumatic events which need healing. After this list is created, we then apply steps 4-8 to each event on this list. Use the downloadable sheet in the next section to make this easy.
  • I invite Jesus into the scene–”Jesus, remind me of what was I feeling and where You are in this scene. What are You speaking, doing, and asking me to do?” I follow His instructions by repenting, forgiving, releasing, honoring and blessing the individuals (including myself and the event itself). John Arnott tells of asking a woman to forgive her horse for falling on her and crushing her hip. As soon as she forgave the horse, her hip pain vanished! Record what the Lord speaks and does and what happens. 
  • Cellular emotional trauma is released by Jesus – “Jesus, please remove the memory of this trauma which is stored in my (state specific body part).” Pause, watch, look, listen and feel as Jesus ministers healing grace. Conclude with a couple of deep breaths. 
  • Demonic entanglements are renounced in Jesus’ name – “I renounce and break off all demons, in the name of Jesus, which were attached to these events.” I pause, watch, look, listen and feel as Jesus ministers deliverance to me. Breathe out a couple of times forcefully and feel the release. Record what demons are rebuked and what you sense and see happening. The names of the demons will light upon your mind as spontaneous flowing thoughts, and generally correspond with what they are causing: anger, hatred, fear, inferiority, condemnation, shame, infirmity, arthritis and so forth. 
  • Physical healing is received through Jesus – “Lord Jesus, would You shine Your light upon (name body part)?” Watch Jesus touch, heal and restore the damaged body part. Then thank Him: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your healing, restorative touch. I receive it with gratefulness.” Record what transpires.
  • Divine gifts are revealed by Jesus – “Lord, what is the gift You have produced in my life through this trauma/event?” Record what this gift is and see and speak only of this gift from now on!

Apply Steps 4-8

Apply steps 4-8 to each event/item on the list you created in step three above.

Now you process each of these events in a relaxed prayer time, performing all five steps for each trauma on your list. Download and use this free worksheet.

Reviewing them a second time allows God the opportunity to deepen and enlarge His healing presence in each one. Download a completed worksheet here.

Seeing the gifts God has produced in your life through these traumas (Rom. 8:28) is the final step. Below are a couple of these gifts which God revealed to me from the traumas of my life.

  • I am perfectly molded and positioned to fulfill God’s destiny for my life. 
  • God used separation to bring me into my own, to function in the role He has called me to.

Stay tuned Monday for part 3 of this series.

Mark Virkler is founder and president of Christian Leadership University and co-founder of Communion With God Ministries. The co-author of more than 50 books with his wife, Patti, Mark has received a Master of Theology from Miami Christian University and a Ph.D. from Carolina Christian University.

For the original article, visit

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