Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

7-Day Eating Plan to Honor God, Increase Your Energy, Clear Your Mind

Do you want to feel better, gain clarity of mind, and increase your energy but you are not sure how? This seven-day eating plan will show you how to eliminate sugar and carbs so you can take care of your temple.

The first week you eliminate sugar and carbs can be tough, but you can do it. If you work, I recommend starting on a Wednesday so you can rest on the weekend. With the help of Christ, prayer, an accountability partner and these guidelines, you can succeed!

7-Day Eating Plan

Day 1 (Start on Wednesday)

  1. Consume Water

Drink up to two cups of coffee or tea per day, but no more. The only other beverage you should drink is filtered water.

  1. Take a Probiotic

Begin taking a probiotic every day. Buy a probiotic online or from a health food store with at least ten different strains of beneficial bacteria.

  1. Stop Eating High-Sugar Foods

Stop eating anything containing greater than 10 grams of sugar per serving. Check labels for the number of grams of sugar per serving size. You can find information regarding sugar substitutes here.

Day 2

  1. Eliminate Wheat

Do not eat anything containing wheat. Eliminating wheat is like going off a drug. Be aware that you may experience the following symptoms for a few days: irritability, foggy brain and fatigue. However, within a week, your symptoms will subside.

Day 3

  1. Eliminate Processed Foods

Do not eat processed foods from boxes and bags.

  1. Implement Healthy Eating Guidelines provided in “Replace Processed Foods With These Healthy Substitutes.” Make 50 percent of your food fresh and raw. Eat salads for lunch.

Days 4 and 5 (Saturday and Sunday)

Continue to implement all the steps listed on day one through three as you proceed.

  1. Rest

Focus on you. Rest, read, pray and ask God to help you to succeed.

  1. Use the Sword of the Spirit

Now is the time to fight the thief Jesus spoke of in John 10:10, for Satan wants you to fail: “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (John 10:10, TLB).

Fight the thief with the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God. Write verses on index cards. Every time you get the urge to go back to your old eating habits, speak the verse out loud to cut the demonic influence out of your life.

Our spiritual nature needs to be addressed as well as our physical. If you have an emotional connection with food, the award-winning book, Christian Study Guide for 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, goes in-depth, discussing addiction, abuse and generational bondage.

Day 6

  1. Start the Anti-Candida Cleanse

Did you take the Candida test? If not, click here to find the test. Now let’s kill the bug in your gut—Candida. Today, start the anti-Candida cleanse. Read the instructions on the cleanse package for how to administer it. More detailed instructions were provided in “15 Signs You Have a Gut Infection.”

Day 7

  1. Get Up and Exercise

If you are still feeling the symptoms of withdrawal, be gentle with yourself by performing a simple form of exercise such as walking. After you begin feeling better, try to exercise for 20 minutes three times a week.

Day 8 and Beyond

You are well on your way to changing your lifestyle, but more than that you will change your life for the better. Your health, mood and energy level will improve as you take care of your temple. Each week, you will lose weight, and the body God gave you will heal itself of many ailments. You are in the process of getting your life back, the one God wants you to enjoy to its fullest. {eoa}

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