Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

5 Simple Steps to Your Healthy Weight

1. Pray: Really, not just saying this because it’s the “Christian thing” to say. Spend time talking with God about your health and ask Him to help you to make healthier choices. First Peter 5:7 tells us God cares about all the things we care about so if you worry or care about your health talk to Him about it.

2. Make a plan: Write out what you will eat (or better yet, follow the menu plan that’s included with our f4 Plan), schedule your workouts. Don’t just say, “I’ll work out three times this week.” Write them in your calendar (put reminders in your phone too). Set weekly goals and post them where you will see them throughout your day.

3. Drink Water: Most of us walk around somewhat dehydrated. We often think we are hungry when we are actually just thirsty. Water also gives us a feeling of being full. Studies show that if you drink eight ounces of water before a meal, you will eat less.

4. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables have so many great nutrients and vitamins and are often low in calories. When planning your menu try and add as much color to it as you can. Add some beets, kale, carrots and Brussels sprouts to your diet. We just added to our f4 Plan a great Brussels sprout recipe that includes roasted grapes and goat cheese. A great way to get in loads of veggies is to make a big pot of veggie soup and have a bowl for a snack or part of your meal.

5. Follow the 80/20 rule. 80 percent of the time, I eat really healthy, and 20 percent of the time, I eat kind of healthy. I don’t expect to always stick with only the healthiest of food choices, and I don’t feel like I’ve failed when I eat foods that aren’t that healthy. Now I’m not ever going to go and eat a bunch of Oreos (sugar is the only thing I’ve pretty much eliminated from my diet). I will eat a burger and fries without guilt, but it’s not something I’d do every day. {eoa}

Michelle Spadafora started Faithful Workouts in 2009 after 22 years in the fitness industry. She created Faithful Workouts to be a place where you can come and strengthen your relationship with God while you strengthen your body and mind, a place where you can find great workouts for all fitness levels, receive simple, practical nutrition information and connect with a real community who knows that the journey to better health is more about encouraging each other and less about being perfect.

This article originally appeared at

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