Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Basic Steps to Heal This Linchpin to Your Overall Health

Medical evidence shows the bacteria in our gut, that is, in our intestines, affects all aspects of our health. The key is trying to stop the things that kill our good bacteria such as antibiotic overuse, sugar and junk food, then putting the good bacteria in our gut by eating probiotic foods and taking probiotic supplements, and finally, feeding the bacteria their favorite foods in the form of fiber.

Heal Your Gut in 3 Steps:

  1. Stop Killing Bad Bacteria
  2. Put Good Bacteria in Your Gut
  3. Feed the Good Bacteria

The mixture of good and bad bacteria in our intestines is called the gut microbiome. Virginia Commonwealth University researcher Dr. Jasmohan Bajaj says building a better gut involves eating a diet rich in probiotics. These are foods and drinks that contain living, healthy bacteria.

“The things that can help healthy gut microbes are diets that have fermented products,” he said, “And by fermented products, I do not mean beer.”

Fermented foods are found in the refrigerated areas of the grocery store because the cool temperatures ensure the bacteria stay alive. Kim-Chi, a fermented cabbage dish popularized in Korea, is said to contain the best and most healthy bacteria. It can be found in the refrigerated produce section of your grocery store.

Instead, you can make kimchi yourself. Click here for the recipe for homemade kimchi. Instead of using a cabbage crusher, you can just squeeze the veggies with your hands.

Other probiotic-rich foods and drinks include Kombucha, fermented tea, which can be found in the produce section. Kefir and yogurt, both high in probiotics, can be found in the dairy section. {eoa}

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