Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
A stedy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is only one way to help prevent cancer.

We are not powerless over cancer. Here are 20 specific things you can do to lower your risk of getting cancer or to improve your chance of surviving the disease:

1. Modify your diet to include high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. Consider adopting a Mediterranean diet—or better yet, the Hallelujah Diet!

2. Eat plenty of organically grown, pesticide-free tomatoes, garlic, grapes, alfalfa, broccoli, nuts and artichokes. Aged garlic extract is excellent as well.

3. Drink six to eight 8-ounce servings of freshly extracted vegetable juice every day.

4. Try to keep your intake of dairy products, meats, flour and refined sugar to a minimum.

5. Cut down on or eliminate cigarettes, excessive alcohol, radiation, and chemically laden processed junk foods.

6. Exercise as oft en as possible—walk at least a mile each day, and get plenty of sunshine and fresh air.

7. Consider an eclectic treatment program that includes low-dose chemotherapy, ozone autohemotherapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation, melatonin and amygdalin.

8. Become familiar with environmental toxins; then do everything possible to avoid them.

9. Inform yourself about cancer, and then take responsibility for your own treatment. Become your own best advocate and your own best hope.

10. Choose to be a victor rather than a victim—find meaning in the crisis. Define your reasons to survive and the purpose of your life.

11. Manage cancer-related stress.

12. Sing, or at least listen to music frequently—don’t mind the neighbors!

13. Foster a positive attitude—replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

14. Nurture a fighting spirit. Maintain hope and a vision of victory.

15. Talk about cancer issues with loved ones.

16. Stay focused on overcoming cancer, even when you receive a bad report.

17. Laugh frequently.

18. Pray often, and forgive others.

19. Ask God to forgive your sins, even those you are not aware of. Ask Him to heal your spirit and make you whole. Then ask Him to heal your physical infirmities as well.

20. Do all you can that is possible, and let God do the impossible.

Note: This is an excerpt from 201 Secrets to Healthy Living. You can purchase the book from,, or

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