Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Valerie Lowe

Valerie Lowe
I don’t know about you, but I look forward to Valentine’s Day. No, I don’t have a husband to lavish me with roses and candy or a doting boyfriend anxious to ask for my hand in marriage. (I do have my eye on a certain guy, but he doesn’t even know I exist!) The day is special to me because my twin sister and I were born on February 14.

Though I’ve never been married, I don’t waste time lamenting my status as a single woman. There’s someone in my life and he thinks the world of me.

My father is special to me for a zillion reasons. Down through the years he’s been a loving husband and father. He’s a protector, provider and an awesome grandfather. My dad would take a bullet for me if he had to. But I’m most grateful to my father because his example led me to the Man in my life.

Christ is the center of my world, and the more I get to know Him, the more real He is to me. And every time I celebrate a birthday, I’m reminded of His faithfulness. The Bible says “For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth” (Isaiah 54:5, NKJV). Jesus can be your Husband and my Husband at the same time and never cheat.

That’s why February 14 is so special to me. Not only is it the day I was born; it’s the day I renew my vows to the Man in my life.

So don’t be upset if you weren’t showered with gifts, candy or flowers on Valentine’s Day. Just thank God for His message of covenant love. It’s not just for couples, it’s for every single one of us.

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