Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Dance With the One Who Brought You


Valerie G. Lowe
Several years ago I listened to a preacher share a funny story about his adventures at his high school prom. He said he had purchased a beautiful corsage for his date, rented a tuxedo for the special event and got all dressed up.

But no sooner had he and his lovely escort arrived at the prom than one guy after another rushed over to the girl and asked to dance, and she said yes. This went on most of the night until the preacher got fed up with the other fellows cutting in on him and he said to himself, Man up and go get your date!

So he took a deep breath, whispered a quick prayer, and went on the dance floor. He tapped his date on the shoulder and said, “”Excuse me, may I have this dance since I’m the one who brought you to the prom?”

She said yes and the two danced the dust up off the carpet for the rest of the night.

This story reminds me of God.

He is so good to us. He makes ways for us when there seems to be no way out. He beautifies us with the garment of praise when we feel discouraged. He stands by us even when other people forsake us. And when the enemy tries to steal our dreams, kill our hopes and literally destroy us, He steps in and gives us the power to defeat him.

I know the cares of life are vying for your attention, but don’t forget to praise the one who brought you out of sin and shame to a place of peace and joy.

Scripture says God will turn our hardships and pain into praise: “‘Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me; Lord, be my helper!’ You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever” (Ps. 30:10-12, NKJV).

In these tough times of economic downturn, war and uncertainty, it’s easy to depend on the president, the government or self, but let’s not change partners. Let’s continue to praise God for His mercy, kindness and provision. Dance with the one who brought you this far.

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