Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

To turn the tide of the gay agenda we must counterattack with great spiritual insight and operational wisdom.

Tuesday, July 13, was a pivotal day for me. That’s when I met with about 25 spiritual leaders in the office of Sen. Sam Brownback, a Republican from Kansas, to prepare for a national press conference about the Federal Marriage Amendment. We gathered on the eve of an important Senate vote.

Like a championship football team heading for the field, we put on our game faces, entered the Hart Building elevators, boarded the private underground Senate subway to the Capitol and ascended the escalator to our meeting room. I spied Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton moving in the opposite direction on the same escalator, while entertainer Pat Boone emerged with a wide supportive grin as we took our posts.

Everything seemed dreamlike, surreal. As cameras flashed and microphones captured every potential pin drop, I thought: How can this be? We are fighting to define marriage as being only between a man and a woman? This certainly is not my grandmother’s America!

After Brownback’s cogent preliminary remarks, six of us addressed the press. Our unity was impressive, although each of us had a slightly different perspective on America’s marital dilemma. Unfortunately, our comments did not sway the Senate’s vote the next day. Tuesday, July 13, did not change America, but it profoundly changed my heart.

I realized more than ever that America has fallen to a shocking moral nadir. Psalm 82:5 best describes this, “They do not know, nor do they understand; they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are unstable” (NKJV). This darkness can be seen as moral ignorance and apathy.

Gays have been at the helm of a fourfold strategy for years, but the wisdom behind their spiritual, cultural, political and generational tactics is clearly satanic. To turn the tide of the gay agenda we must counterattack with great spiritual insight and operational wisdom. Let me explain the tactics we must use to transform America.

1. Spiritual. Doctrines of moral inclusion have refused to call sin by its correct name. Ordaining openly gay ministers has been tolerated because individuals, churches and entire denominations have been seduced into ignoring the clear teaching of Scripture.

Paul told the Corinthians that pride had kept them from renouncing the serious sexual sins and marital violations of their day (see 1 Cor. 5:1-5). We must repent
of sins within the walls of the church before we attempt to call the nation to repentance. When we have restored our moral authority to speak out against the sin of homosexuality, we will find that God will back our message with amazing impact. Judgment must begin in the house of God (see 1 Pet. 4:17).

2. Cultural. The gay community has used a definitive public relations strategy aimed at changing the way it is perceived and received. TV programs such as Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Will & Grace have elicited sympathy for gays and lesbians, while Christians are increasingly being viewed as bigoted and insensitive. We must make a concerted effort to openly reach out to unchurched gays without condoning this kind of sin.

3. Political. Although more than 37 percent of adults in America knew nothing about the Senate’s vote this summer, 97 percent of gays and lesbians were totally tuned in. The church must make a lot of noise about this issue. Everyone reading this article should contact their congressional representatives to declare their support of the marriage amendment. Let everyone running for office this November know that this amendment is the No. 1 issue of the election.

4. Generational. The gay community has made inroads in the area of adoption. Children raised successfully in gay homes suggest that gay “families” are real families. We must pray against these kinds of adoptions and the effect they will have on family structure in the future.

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4).

As we use our spiritual weapons with strategic cultural, political and generational wisdom we will win the war for America.

Harry R. Jackson Jr. pastors 2,000-member Hope Christian Church in the nation’s capital with his wife, Michele. Having earned an MBA from Harvard, Jackson ministers nationally and internationally. He is the author of the best-selling book The Warrior’s Heart (Chosen Books).

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