Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Will We See America Rebuilt or Remain in Ruins?

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Isn’t this how the old saying goes? We are broke, and we need fixing—and now is the time to put in the work.

When things in the dark are exposed in the light by God, we need to take notice. Revelation isn’t a bad thing. It often helps us to see things from a different perspective as well as wakes us up to realize there is a problem. Broken things require repair if we want to rebuild them for their original purpose. In 2016, I wrote a blog post titled, “Pride and Deceit.” I mentioned in it that America hadn’t just abruptly changed overnight. It had been a slow process of burying heads in the sand and completely pushing God out of America. We are still seeing the consequences in 2021.

The pandemic turned the world upside down. Schools were closed and children were forced to learn at home. Many employees were forced to work from home, and some just had to stay at home while their businesses were shuttered for months. People found themselves living in homes together for 24 hours a day, and many discovered the cracks in their relationships. Parents discovered what their children were being taught at school by observing Zoom classrooms.

When confronted with brokenness, people have the choice to respond or continue burying their heads. People must make the choice to put the time in to rebuild neglected relationships. Parents must decide whether they are going to participate in the education of their children or continue to allow the government to have sole control over what American children learn.

The book of Nehemiah describes the account of a willing man whom God chose to leave where he was to go and rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Not everyone was on board. Not everyone cared to take on the task. There was opposition and lies. The rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem was important. Walls were meant to keep the people inside safe from those on the outside who wanted to do harm. The rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem demonstrated that God was still with them and there was a faithful remnant who feared the Lord.

Rebuilding in America doesn’t mean a physical wall of protection like Nehemiah was charged with. If the people in America were united in their foundational purpose centered on God, what a different America we would see today. God has always wanted to be at the center of every individual life. He’s into relational work. He wants a relationship with each one of us. Once we get that right, we can then work on everything else.

There are a lot of opportunities to rebuild the broken things in America. For some, it’s a rebuilding of their relationship with God. For others, it’s a rebuild of a marriage. God may be asking some to rebuild that dream that has fizzled. And for many, it’s a time to rebuild the ungodly narrative that has taken over every facet of daily life in America.

Will we see a rebuilding of America by godly men and women who fear the Lord, or will America become a waste pile of ruins because the godly have given in to those who don’t know and fear the Lord? If you are a believer in Christ, know that God is calling you to be a part of His rebuilding. Start right where you are, and then keep seeking Him as you move forward in obedience. {eoa}

Erin Olson founded Sandalfeet Ministries in 2012 as an outlet to minister to people through writing, speaking and teaching. She blogs on her website, at, and is the host of The Depot Podcast with Erin Olson on Charisma Podcast Network. She is the author of four published works: Spiritual Orphans: A Generation in Crisis, Forgiveness – Unforgiveness: Revealed Through Your Fruits, Sit at His Feet: Choose What Is Better, 46 Days with Jesus, and Simplify the Season: Rediscover Christ Through Advent. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Regis University (Denver, Colorado) and a master’s degree in Christian leadership from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (Lynchburg, Virginia). Erin and her husband of over 20 years, Scott, along with their three children and three dogs, currently reside in Birmingham, Alabama.

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