Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Why Voters Can’t Ignore the Murderous Evil of Abortion

Note: This is the second of a two-part article. For part one, click here.

I looked at every reference to Molech in the Bible. Perhaps you recall how the Lord commanded the children of Israel not to offer their children as human sacrifices to the pagan deity Molech. Sadly, Israel disobeyed God and offered their children as human sacrifices to the demon entity and false god.

What the Lord showed me in my word study of Molech was interesting, as I have read these passages multiple times before. The first occurrence of the command not to offer their children to Molech was in Leviticus 18:21, after several verses commanding them not to be involved with several types of sexual sin and deviance. It is hard to read—it is that vile.

Then they are warned not to offer their children to the false god Molech—it is an abomination. In fact, God warns that the sexual sin and offering children to Molech required Him to punish the people who lived there before them and if they did the same, it would cause the land to once again be defiled and to give the land reason to “vomit you out” (Lev. 18:28).

Church, I urge you to fervently pray and seek God for our nation in this hour. Our land has been defiled for decades by the rampant sexual sin and murder of our children. We have offered the unborn as sacrifices to a spirit of death because we have agreed with spirits of lust, perversion and sexual immorality. Our land has been defiled. Our cities are suffering, lawlessness has increased and murder is rampant. One could easily argue that a spirit of death dominates our land and that the land is now “vomiting us out.”

Church in America, consider carefully who you vote for this fall. Local, state and federal leaders must have biblical values and be pro-life. To ignore the evil of abortion threatens future generations in our nation.

My five-month-old grandson David is a joy and delight—as are all our children and grandchildren. He radiates the wonder of God, the beauty of life and a future hope. His smile is infectious, and he loves discovering the world around him. Seeing him brings joy to my heart and I experience another aspect of abundant life. Children are a blessing and inheritance from the Lord—every child, born or unborn, should be valued, loved and celebrated.

For anyone who has had an abortion or been involved in sexual immorality, there is forgiveness and healing in Jesus. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk after the Spirit and not the flesh (Rom. 8:1). Jesus removes the shame, the guilt and the pain of the past—trust Him. Furthermore, as the Church rises in humility, repentance and prayer the Bible assures us God will grant mercy and send revival to our nation (2 Chron. 7:14).

Some states have restricted or limited abortion, making a stand against this evil and the radical Left’s agenda. As we continue to pray, inform others and make wise choices at the ballet box, leaders can be elected who will stand for righteousness and lobby to repeal Roe vs. Wade and end the scourge of death that has plagued our nation.

More Abundantly

One of the antidotes is a deeper understanding of John 10:10 (NKJV):

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Jesus is stating, “I came to give life abundantly, as a good shepherd or king, to My people. I will protect them from going out when they shouldn’t, and from enemies coming in.”

“Abundantly” used in John 10:10 translates from the Greek word perissos which means exceeding (the usual number or the usual measure), in John 10:10 perissos could be translated “have in superabundance.”

Consider the contrast: the enemy wants to rob and destroy, but God wants you to overflow with superabundance His love, grace and provision. The Lord has blessed America abundantly. Many are suffering, and much of the suffering is due to our agreement with the enemy’s deception and lies.

Recently the Lord reminded me of a verse most of us know by heart and relates to breaking free of the enemy’s deception regarding abortion and unrighteousness. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8). You might be wondering, “How does this apply to living an abundant life?” Let me answer by looking deeper at the words “pure” and “see” in this verse.

“Pure” is from the Greek katharós and means sincere, single-hearted, upright. We could say of this verse, “blessed or happy are those who are upright, sincere and have a single focus toward God.” When we are upright with God, focused upon Him, our motives and actions are pure. Purity then is a pathway to abundant life.

“See” is from the Greek horáō and means to see, perceive with the eyes, discern—implying not merely the act of seeing, but also the actual perception of some object. In a wider sense, to see God means to be admitted to His presence and special favor (Matt. 5:8).

We could say then that those who are upright, sincere and single-hearted toward God will be admitted into His presence with special favor. They will perceive God with their eyes and discern His presence and ways. To perceive God, to know God intimately, this is abundant life! This is the Lord’s desire for our lives individually and as a nation.

America, there is hope! Turn to the Lord, believe His promises and seek righteousness again—He will heal our land and restore what the enemy has stolen.

If you are not registered to vote, do so quickly and vote for candidates who are pro-life. Life matters, church! {eoa}

Dr. Bob Sawvelle is the founding and senior leader of Passion Church in Tucson, Arizona. Passion Church is a vibrant, kingdom-minded church in the heart of Tucson that values God’s love and presence. Bob is an author, and his books Receive Your Miracle Now, Fulfill Your Dreams and Our Eyes are On You can be found on his website bobsawvelle.com and on Amazon. He is a doctoral mentor at United Theological Seminary (UTS), an adjunct professor with Global Awakening Theological Seminary (GATS), and online course facilitator for Global Awakening’s Christian Prophetic Certification Program (CPCP). Sign-up to receive his weekly blog article and podcast at bobsawvelle.com

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