Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why a Terrorist Attack Became This Media Exec’s Spiritual Wake-Up Call

Kathleen Cooke

Media executive Kathleen Cooke survived a terrorist attack while filming a documentary in London in 2005. That experience, and an encounter that followed, served as a wake-up call for the way she vied the Bible and lived her life. And now, she has a message for us.

“We don’t take the Word of God into our hearts and lives, and it isn’t precious to us as it should be,” she tells host Angela Donadio on the Make Life Matter With Angela Donadio podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “[My experience] was a wake-up call for me. Not just because of my life being saved the day before, but a wake-up call spiritually and the importance of the Bible in our lives.

“It’s a living document; it will not go away, it’s eternal. If we’re not reading the Bible four or more times a week, we will make no significant choices or changes any different someone who never reads the Bible,” Cooke adds. “Here we are, running to Christian book stores, trying to find the latest book on how to help us with our finances, how to lose weight, how to get off drugs, how to help us with our marriage and yet we are not engaging ourselves in the Word of God.

“The reason we’re not doing it? We are busy people, and we are distracted. All of things were a wake-up call to me and led me to write my devotional, Hope 4 Today: Stay Connected to God in a Distracted Culture.

Kathleen Cooke stands at the intersection of marketplace and ministry, focused on redefining and effectively using Christian media strategies in the digital age. A media executive, producer/actress, writer and global speaker, she is a founding partner at Cooke Media Group, and leads and inspires women involved in media and entertainment through her nonprofit, The Influence Lab. Her devotional, Hope 4 Today: Stay Connected to God in a Distracted Culture, challenges readers to engage with the Bible four or more times a week.

To hear more of Angela Donadio’s discussion with Kathleen Cooke, click here to listen to the entire podcast. {eoa}

Follow Kathleen Cooke on: Twitter: @KathleenCookeLA, Instagram: @KathleenCookeOfficial and Facebook: Kathleen Cooke Official, website/blog: or sign up for her monthly Influence Women’s Journal at:

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