Where is This ‘Coming’ He Promised?

Only 30 years ago, there was a big buzz in the church about the Second Coming of Jesus, our Messiah, and His return to earth. Now, even though all the signs of His return have become much clearer, there is almost no talk of His return. Pastors are quiet.

It could be that pastors and leaders are somewhat embarrassed by the concept. Is the pre-Tribulation rapture still relevant in a computerized, social media-driven world? Does it still make sense today? Most of all, is it a message that will attract new people to their churches?

Maybe Jesus’ return is all symbolic after all; or just a great story for fiction writers.

Yet our technological advances have united the people of the world and despite our religious, political or economic differences, the internet, of all things, is quickly and quietly bringing all of the people of the world into one digital web or net. Think of a net that a fisherman or hunter uses to catch prey or a web that spiders use to capture their victims.

Jesus, speaking of His return in Luke 21:34-35 (NIV), says “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth.”

Maybe this is just the scenario that Jesus will return to. Will you be watching or sleeping? {eoa}

Tom Grossman Sr. was powerfully changed in 2000 when he had a vision of the Second Coming of Christ. Since then, Tom has served in the House of Prayer setting as director as well as prayer leader and mentor. Tom developed The School of Prayer, The Foundations of Worship-based Prayer series 1 & 2, The WordWatch devotional series, authored two books and created teaching tools that have been translated internationally. He has spent the last 23 years in focused, prayerful study of the Word of God, which he believes is clear regarding the return of Jesus and in teaching this from the Word. His passion is to see the church no longer confused about the end times but focused and ready for the return of Jesus.

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