Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Once a Jehovah’s Witness, Dionne Cameron is now a Spirit-filled Christian dedicated to making the true gospel known far and wide. With an evangelist’s heart, she shares the good news of Jesus Christ through her Scripture-based apparel and accessories, social media and film.

Formerly a home care nurse, Cameron never thought she’d have her own apparel business, but, she says, it was God’s idea for her to start the Wear Scriptures company. 

“Two years ago, I went to a women’s prophetic conference, and this lady gave me a prophecy that she saw me in business,” Cameron says. “I said to God, ‘You know, I think she got it wrong.’ I never saw myself in business. I’m a nurse, an LPN, and that was what I was doing at the time. But I felt led, and there was a burden there, and I stepped out in obedience, and here I am.”

Bringing Glory to God

Wear Scriptures sells products ranging from beanies, shirts and jewelry to mugs, totes and home decor. She has collections for any age, from infants to adults, and also has a Spanish-language line. The designs are meant to help believers be witnesses for Christ.

Cameron sees her company as a kingdom business God created to bring honor and glory to His name. Her company is dedicated to spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with Christian clothing and accessories. The mission statement of Wear Scriptures is “Be a voice for the gospel.”

Speaking up in this way is not only for evangelists like Cameron, but, she says, “all of us as Christians have been given the Great Commission to spread the gospel all over the world. I feel that Christians are intimidated at times. They don’t know what to say, so I thought I would give people this idea: How can you be a voice? We can be a voice by wearing His Scriptures.”

Cameron always uses Scripture on her apparel and accessories.

“That is the basic premise of the business,” she says. “That is what God said to me.”

Because of her understanding of the power of the Bible, Cameron is quick to speak the Scriptures.

“That’s how God created the heavens and the earth. He spoke a word, and words are quite powerful. The Bible says, ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue.'”

She also points to God’s promise that God’s Word will accomplish its purpose.

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:9-11).

“As God’s Word goes out there, it convicts. It heals. It’s very powerful,” she says. “There are things we can see in the spiritual realm when God’s Word is proclaimed, and so definitely, I will always use God’s Word because it is the final authority.”

Cameron follows Jesus’ example in the way He used the Word, and she finds this approach necessary at the present time as the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It protects, and we are declaring Psalm 91 over ourselves now with the coronavirus. When Jesus was tempted by the enemy, He didn’t quote where the Scripture was. All He said was ‘It is written.’ As Christians, we don’t have to know where it is exactly. Once we’ve said, ‘It is written,’ it is quite powerful.”

Cameron believes Christians must shine a light in a dark world during these difficult times.

“There is so much fear going around, and we know that God is not the author of fear,” she says. “He has not given us the spirit of fear. This is a great opportunity. God did not create this, but He is definitely going to use this to bring honor and glory to His name. So I think this is a great time for Christians to stand up and to arise, to speak out in the public square. You know, we can’t get together out in public, but we have social media, which is the new public square.”

Influencing for Christ

Cameron calls on Christians to boldly influence all segments of society, in government, education, in religion, in the family, in science and in entertainment. She also includes traditional and social media. She calls on believers to “put God’s Word out there, to be influencers in society.”

Beyond her apparel company, she is moving into film starting with a pro-life short film on her website.

“She changed her mind,” says Cameron of the young woman in the film from JRated Productions. “She chose to keep her baby.”

Cameron makes it clear through her Wear Scriptures blog at wearscriptures.com that she does not condemn those who have had abortions, but she encourages women to choose life.

“Now I am not judging women who have had abortions,” she writes. “Because abortion is legal, many women have been sold the lie that a fetus is not a real human being. God still loves them and He is calling them to Choose Life, to Choose to receive His Son Jesus Christ, so that their sins can be covered under His blood that was shed for them.” 

She teamed up with JRated Productions and plans to work with the company on an even bigger project.

“The J in the company’s name stands for Jesus, and we came up with a script for a pro-life short film, a movie,” she says. “It got some great reviews out there on YouTube and on Facebook. Our ultimate goal is to create probably an hour to an hour-and-a-half-long movie talking about abortion.”

This is one way Cameron plans to exercise her kingdom influence. 

“We have many influences out there who promote a particular product,” she says. “Well, God is calling His church to be influencers for His kingdom, to bring His Word out there in the public square.”

Wear Scriptures also has pro-life products, including buttons, tees, sleeveless tanks and sweatshirts, with its Choose Life and Choose Life 2.0 designs.

Cameron says her holy boldness comes from the Lord because she wasn’t always that way. Now she speaks not only to the unsaved but also to believers to separate themselves from the world.

“There is a great apostasy in the church,” she says. “I see many churches that are saying that homosexual marriage is OK. That is totally against what the Bible teaches. I think that’s why our nation has gone the way that it has because the truth has not been taught. It has been suppressed. And we have leaders in the church who aren’t born again, who don’t have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. So how can the blind lead the blind?”

But she is thankful that God always has a remnant.

“He always has His people who He wants to raise up to speak truth because God loves His creation, and He wants His people saved,” she says, citing 2 Peter 3:9. “He does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance.”

To address Western culture’s view on homosexuality, Wear Scriptures offers a shirt design with a rainbow cross and a verse.

“The meaning behind that design is that God is the author of the rainbow,” she says. “He created the rainbow. And then the cross symbolizes Jesus’ death and resurrection and that if we call upon the name of Jesus, we shall be saved. And also, the reason why I did that was, there is a homosexual Bible out there, and it just angered me so much that I felt like I had to have the cross in a rainbow to show that the cross belongs to God, and the rainbow belongs to God. The rainbow is also in God’s throne room.”

Cameron is purposeful about being a witness for Christ and advancing the gospel around the world. Click here to see how God set her free from the Jehovah’s Witness false gospel on her Wear Scriptures blog. Now she is aiming to share the true gospel around the world and inspire others in their walk with God through her devotionals (available at her website), apparel and more.

“God has given me a prophetic voice to speak to the nations,” she says. “Wear Scriptures is going all over the world. That’s where I see it going, so my sphere of influence is the nations and also to encourage the body of Christ, to be courageous and to be bold, to stand up for truth and righteousness and to be a voice for God.” 

Christine D. Johnson is an editor and Charisma Connection podcast host at Charisma Media.

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